MapTiler Landcover schema

The vector tile schema describes how the vector data is organized into different thematic layers and which attribute and values each layer contains. This is useful for writing a map style.

MapTiler Landcover is a tileset containing coverage of land reflected as polygons for whole world generalized for upper zooms. This tileset is included also in MapTiler Planet.

Explore the tileset in the interactive map viewer, check the date of the last update, use it as vector tiles, etc.

Inspect MapTiler Landcover schema

Definition of layers

The MapTiler Landcover tileset contains the following layers:

globallandcover #

Landcover with generalized polygons up to zoom 9 with classes - Crop, grass, scrub, tree, forest, snow.



Use the class to assign natural colors for globallandcover.

Possible values:

  • crop
  • grass
  • scrub
  • tree
  • forest
  • snow


With the use of this API, you must visibly credit these attributions:

© MapTiler