Dataset upload - formats and limits

Our cloud platform supports various geographical data formats, ensuring compatibility with popular mapping tools and libraries. Easily upload files directly through the Upload form in the Admin interface. Currently, we are supporting:

  • Raster files - georeferenced files like drone imagery, old maps, or charts, rasters are automatically optimized for use on the website - tiled into tile packages
  • Vector files - geographical vector formats from surveys, GPS logs, and government data. Files are imported as vector features editable in the Vector data editor
  • Tilesets (containers of tiles) - read-only; we recommend using clean tilesets produced by MapTiler Engine

Supported files and limits

Format Type Max file size limit
GeoTIFF raster file 1 GB
ECW raster file 1 GB
MrSID raster file 1 GB
GeoJPEG2000 raster file 1 GB
GeoPackage container (SQLite file) 100 GB
MBTiles container (SQLite file) 100 GB
GeoJSON vector features 5 MB or 5000 features
GPX vector features 5 MB or 5000 features
KML vector features 5 MB or 5000 features
SHP vector features 5 MB or 5000 features

Supported containers content

Format Type
PNG raster tiles
JPG raster tiles
WebP raster tiles
MVT vector tiles

Missing format? Send us a request!