Static Maps API
Center-based image
Added in v4.2.0
GET http://localhost:3650/api/maps/{mapId}/static/{lon},{lat},{zoom}/{width}x{height}{scale}.{format}
Generates a raster image based on the specified center and zoom level.
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
mapId | string |
Identifier of the map. See MapTiler Server Maps.
Example: streets Added in v4.2.0 |
lon | number |
Longitude of the center of the image.
Added in v4.2.0 |
lat | number |
Latitude of the center of the image.
Added in v4.2.0 |
zoom | number |
Zoom level of the resulting image (can be fractional). (In the tile pyramid based on 512x512 tiles.)
Added in v4.2.0 |
width | integer |
Width of the image in pixels.
Added in v4.2.0 |
height | integer |
Height of the image in pixels.
Added in v4.2.0 |
scale | string |
Use “@2x” to get “retina”/HiDPI image.
Allowed values:
@2x Added in v4.2.0 |
format | string |
The value depends on the Map settings.
Allowed values:
webp Added in v4.2.0 |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
path | string |
Define path(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See Static maps in MapTiler Server.
Match pattern: ((fill|stroke|width|shortest)\:[^\|]+\|)*((enc:.+)|((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*))) Added in v4.4.0 |
markers | string |
Define marker(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See Static maps in MapTiler Server.
Match pattern: ((icon|anchor|scale)\:[^\|]+\|)*((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?)) Added in v4.4.0 |
attribution | string |
Changes the position of map attribution. If you disable the attribution make sure to display it in your application yourself (visibly).
Allowed values:
false Default: bottomright Added in v4.4.0 |
shortest | boolean |
Draw the shortest paths, allow to cross the dateline.
Default: false Added in v4.4.0 |
Request example
Code | Content | Description |
200 | image/* | |
400 |
Out of bounds / Invalid format |
404 |
The item does not exist |
414 |
URI Too Long. Maximum allowed length is 8192 bytes. |
Bounds-based image
Added in v4.2.0
GET http://localhost:3650/api/maps/{mapId}/static/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}/{width}x{height}{scale}.{format}
Generates a raster image based on the given bounds.
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
mapId | string |
Identifier of the map. See MapTiler Server Maps.
Example: streets Added in v4.2.0 |
minx | number |
Longitude of the left (west) edge.
Added in v4.2.0 |
miny | number |
Latitude of the bottom (south) edge.
Added in v4.2.0 |
maxx | number |
Longitude of the right (east) edge.
Added in v4.2.0 |
maxy | number |
Latitude of the top (north) edge.
Added in v4.2.0 |
width | integer |
Width of the image in pixels.
Added in v4.2.0 |
height | integer |
Height of the image in pixels.
Added in v4.2.0 |
scale | string |
Use “@2x” to get “retina”/HiDPI image.
Allowed values:
@2x Added in v4.2.0 |
format | string |
The value depends on the Map settings.
Allowed values:
webp Added in v4.2.0 |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
padding | number |
Ensures the autofitted bounds or features are comfortably visible in the resulting area. E.g. use 0.1 to add 10% margin (at least) of the size to each side.
Default: 0.1 Added in v4.4.0 |
path | string |
Define path(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See Static maps in MapTiler Server.
Match pattern: ((fill|stroke|width|shortest)\:[^\|]+\|)*((enc:.+)|((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*))) Added in v4.4.0 |
markers | string |
Define marker(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See Static maps in MapTiler Server.
Match pattern: ((icon|anchor|scale)\:[^\|]+\|)*((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?)) Added in v4.4.0 |
attribution | string |
Changes the position of map attribution. If you disable the attribution make sure to display it in your application yourself (visibly).
Allowed values:
false Default: bottomright Added in v4.4.0 |
shortest | boolean |
Draw the shortest paths, allow to cross the dateline.
Default: false Added in v4.4.0 |
Request example
Code | Content | Description |
200 | image/* | |
400 |
Out of bounds / Invalid format |
404 |
The item does not exist |
414 |
URI Too Long. Maximum allowed length is 8192 bytes. |
Auto-fitted image
Added in v4.4.0
GET http://localhost:3650/api/maps/{mapId}/static/auto/{width}x{height}{scale}.{format}
Generates a raster image based on the given features. The area is calculated so that all the paths and markers given in query are visible.
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
mapId | string |
Identifier of the map. See MapTiler Server Maps.
Example: streets Added in v4.4.0 |
width | integer |
Width of the image in pixels.
Added in v4.4.0 |
height | integer |
Height of the image in pixels.
Added in v4.4.0 |
scale | string |
Use “@2x” to get “retina”/HiDPI image.
Allowed values:
@2x Added in v4.4.0 |
format | string |
The value depends on the Map settings.
Allowed values:
webp Added in v4.4.0 |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
padding | number |
Ensures the autofitted bounds or features are comfortably visible in the resulting area. E.g. use 0.1 to add 10% margin (at least) of the size to each side.
Default: 0.1 Added in v4.4.0 |
path | string |
Define path(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See Static maps in MapTiler Server.
Match pattern: ((fill|stroke|width|shortest)\:[^\|]+\|)*((enc:.+)|((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*))) Added in v4.4.0 |
markers | string |
Define marker(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See Static maps in MapTiler Server.
Match pattern: ((icon|anchor|scale)\:[^\|]+\|)*((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?)) Added in v4.4.0 |
attribution | string |
Changes the position of map attribution. If you disable the attribution make sure to display it in your application yourself (visibly).
Allowed values:
false Default: bottomright Added in v4.4.0 |
shortest | boolean |
Draw the shortest paths, allow to cross the dateline.
Default: false Added in v4.4.0 |
Request example
Code | Content | Description |
200 | image/* | |
400 |
Out of bounds / Invalid format |
404 |
The item does not exist |
414 |
URI Too Long. Maximum allowed length is 8192 bytes. |

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