
The term "control" is commonly used for all sorts of buttons and information display that take place in one of the corner of the map area. The most well know are probably the [+] and [-] zoom buttons as well as the attribution information.

User interface elements that can be added to the map. The items in this section exist outside of the map's canvas element.

Easy to add controls MapTiler logo

The easiest way to add the most used controls is through the Map constructor options.

To add a control in the map constructor, you must indicate the name of the control and one of these values: true to add the control or false to hide the control. You can also indicate in which position we are going to add the control: top-left top-right bottom-left bottom-right


These are the controls that are directly accessible in the map constructor:

  • navigationControl: Shows the [+], [-] zoom buttons and tilt/bearing/compass buttons. Showing on the top-right by default.
  • geolocateControl: Shows a arrow-shaped locate button. When clicked, it adds a marker and center the map. If clicked again, the marker disapears (unless the map was moved since first clicked). Showing on the top-right by default.
  • terrainControl: Shows a button to enable/disable the 3D terrain (does not tilt the map) Hidden by default, showing on the top-right if true.
  • scaleControl: Shows a distance scale. The unit ("metric", "imperial" or "nautical") can be set in the config object config.unit (default: "metric"). Hidden by default, showing on the bottom-right if true.
  • fullscreenControl: Shows a button that toggles the map into fullscreen. Hidden by default, showing on the top-right if true.

MaptilerNavigationControl MapTiler logo

A MaptilerNavigationControl control contains zoom buttons and a compass.

Behavior changes

  • When enabled, the pitch button is always present
  • The pitch button now pitches the map if it ws not (and as before, unpitches the map if pitched)
  • The compass icon on the pitch button has a capped “squeeziness” factor to prevent it from looking extra flat and wide when pitch is set higher than 60



default: true
If true the compass button is included.
default: true
If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included.
default: false
If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass.

MaptilerGeolocateControl MapTiler logo

A MaptilerGeolocateControl control provides a button that uses the browser's geolocation API to locate the user on the map.

Not all browsers support geolocation, and some users may disable the feature. Geolocation support for modern browsers including Chrome requires sites to be served over HTTPS. If geolocation support is not available, the MaptilerGeolocateControl will show as disabled.

The zoom level applied will depend on the accuracy of the geolocation provided by the device.

The MaptilerGeolocateControl has two modes. If trackUserLocation is false (default) the control acts as a button, which when pressed will set the map's camera to target the user location. If the user moves, the map won't update. This is most suited for the desktop. If trackUserLocation is true the control acts as a toggle button that when active the user's location is actively monitored for changes. In this mode the MaptilerGeolocateControl has three interaction states:

  • active - the map's camera automatically updates as the user's location changes, keeping the location dot in the center. Initial state and upon clicking the MaptilerGeolocateControl button.
  • passive - the user's location dot automatically updates, but the map's camera does not. Occurs upon the user initiating a map movement.
  • disabled - occurs if Geolocation is not available, disabled or denied.

These interaction states can't be controlled programmatically, rather they are set based on user interactions.

Behavior changes

  • Now with these defaults:
    • enableHighAccuracy: true (uses browser location, probably GPS)
    • maximumAge: 0 (not using any cached location)
    • Timeout: 6000 (6 seconds)
    • trackUserLocation: true
  • When geolocate is “active”, zooming/rotating/pitching the map no longer changes the status to “background” because it does not change the center of the map. The center of the map must move of at least 1m (world) from the active locked position in order for the status to change to “background” (note: the “background” status means the location is still refreshed but if the user moves, the map will no longer continue to be centered on them)
  • The method to update the blue disc (location precision radius) has been improved as we zoom in. It is now less shaky and behave according to perspective when the camera is tilted
Extends Evented.



default: {enableHighAccuracy:false,timeout:6000}
A Geolocation API PositionOptions object.
default: {maxZoom:15}
A Map#fitBounds options object to use when the map is panned and zoomed to the user's location. The default is to use a maxZoom of 15 to limit how far the map will zoom in for very accurate locations.
default: false
If true the Geolocate Control becomes a toggle button and when active the map will receive updates to the user's location as it changes.
default: true
By default, if showUserLocation is true , a transparent circle will be drawn around the user location indicating the accuracy (95% confidence level) of the user's location. Set to false to disable. Always disabled when showUserLocation is false .
default: true
By default a dot will be shown on the map at the user's location. Set to false to disable.



MaptilerTerrainControl MapTiler logo

The MaptilerTerrainControl shows a button to enable/disable the 3D terrain (does not tilt the map)



An AttributionControl control presents the map's attribution information. By default, the attribution control is expanded (regardless of map width).



options(Object?)(default {})
options.compact If true , force a compact attribution that shows the full attribution on mouse hover. If false , force the full attribution control. The default is a responsive attribution that collapses when the map is less than 640 pixels wide. Attribution should not be collapsed if it can comfortably fit on the map. compact should only be used to modify default attribution when map size makes it impossible to fit default attribution and when the automatic compact resizing for default settings are not sufficient.
options.customAttribution String or strings to show in addition to any other attributions.


A ScaleControl control displays the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground.



default: '100'
The maximum length of the scale control in pixels.
default: 'metric'
Unit of the distance ( 'imperial' , 'metric' or 'nautical' ).



A FullscreenControl control contains a button for toggling the map in and out of fullscreen mode.



options.container container is the compatible DOM element which should be made full screen. By default, the map container element will be made full screen.

MaptilerLogoControl MapTiler logo

A MaptilerLogoControl replaces MaplibreLogoControl.

Can be used only with paid account



default: ""
Image logo URL.
default: ""
Logo link URL

MaptilerMinimapControl MapTiler logo

A MaptilerMinimapControl control. Display a overview (minimap) in a user defined corner of the map


options(Object?) MapTiler logo The map's style. This must be:
  • ReferenceMapStyle (e.g. MapStyle.STREETS)
  • MapStyleVariant (e.g. MapStyle.STREETS.DARK)
  • MapTIler Style ID (e.g. “streets-v2”)
  • uuid of custom style
  • an a JSON object conforming to the schema described in the GL Style Specification
  • a URL to such JSON.
default: -4
Set the zoom difference between the parent and the minimap. If the parent is zoomed to 10 and the minimap is zoomed to 8, the zoomAdjust should be 2.
options.lockZoom Set a zoom of the minimap and don't allow any future changes.
default: false
Adjust the pitch only if the user requests.
Record<string, string>?
Set CSS properties of the container using object key-values.
default: 'bottom-left'
Set the position of the minimap. Valid values are 'top-left' , 'top-right' , 'bottom-left' , and 'bottom-right' .
options.parentRect Set the parentRect fill and/or line options.


Interface for interactive controls added to the map. This is a specification for implementers to model: it is not an exported method or class. This interface is the one to use to create custom controls.

Controls must implement onAdd and onRemove, and must own an element, which is often a div element. To use MapLibre GL JS's default control styling, add the maplibregl-ctrl class to your control's node.



Reference documentation of MapTiler SDK JS, an extension of MapLibre GL JS