Static Maps API
Center-based image
Generates a raster image based on the specified center and zoom level.
You must include an API Key with every API request
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
mapId | string |
Identifier of the map. See MapTiler Cloud Maps.
Example: streets-v2 |
lon | number |
Longitude of the center of the image.
lat | number |
Latitude of the center of the image.
zoom | number |
Zoom level of the resulting image (can be fractional). (In the tile pyramid based on 512x512 tiles.)
width | integer |
Width of the image in pixels.
height | integer |
Height of the image in pixels.
scale | string |
Use “@2x” to get “retina”/HiDPI image.
Allowed values:
@2x |
format | string |
The value depends on the Map settings.
Allowed values:
webp |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
path | string |
Define path(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See
Match pattern: ((fill|stroke|width|shortest)\:[^\|]+\|)*((enc:.+)|((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*))) |
markers | string |
Define marker(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See
Match pattern: ((icon|anchor|scale)\:[^\|]+\|)*((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?)) |
latlng | boolean |
Use [latitude, longitude] order for coordinates instead of [longitude, latitude].
Default: false |
attribution | string |
Changes the position of map attribution. If you disable the attribution make sure to display it in your application yourself (visibly).
Allowed values:
false Default: bottomright |
fill | string |
Color to use as a fill when drawing polygons. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.4) |
stroke | string |
Color to use as a stroke when drawing polygons. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: rgba(0,64,255,0.7) |
width | number |
Width of the stroke line when drawing polygons (in pixels). Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: 1 |
encodedpath | string |
Path in Google Encoded Polyline Format. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
shortest | boolean |
Draw the shortest paths, allow to cross the dateline.
Default: false |
Request example,44.3408,3/400x300.png?key=YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY
Get your FREE API key in the MapTiler Cloud.
Code | Content | Description |
200 | image/* | |
400 |
Out of bounds / Invalid format |
403 |
Key is missing, invalid or restricted |
404 |
The item does not exist |
414 |
URI Too Long. Maximum allowed length is 8192 bytes. |
Bounds-based image
Generates a raster image based on the given bounds.
You must include an API Key with every API request
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
mapId | string |
Identifier of the map. See MapTiler Cloud Maps.
Example: streets-v2 |
minx | number |
Longitude of the left (west) edge.
miny | number |
Latitude of the bottom (south) edge.
maxx | number |
Longitude of the right (east) edge.
maxy | number |
Latitude of the top (north) edge.
width | integer |
Width of the image in pixels.
height | integer |
Height of the image in pixels.
scale | string |
Use “@2x” to get “retina”/HiDPI image.
Allowed values:
@2x |
format | string |
The value depends on the Map settings.
Allowed values:
webp |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
padding | number |
Ensures the autofitted bounds or features are comfortably visible in the resulting area. E.g. use 0.1 to add 10% margin (at least) of the size to each side.
Default: 0.1 |
path | string |
Define path(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See
Match pattern: ((fill|stroke|width|shortest)\:[^\|]+\|)*((enc:.+)|((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*))) |
markers | string |
Define marker(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See
Match pattern: ((icon|anchor|scale)\:[^\|]+\|)*((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?)) |
latlng | boolean |
Use [latitude, longitude] order for coordinates instead of [longitude, latitude].
Default: false |
attribution | string |
Changes the position of map attribution. If you disable the attribution make sure to display it in your application yourself (visibly).
Allowed values:
false Default: bottomright |
fill | string |
Color to use as a fill when drawing polygons. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.4) |
stroke | string |
Color to use as a stroke when drawing polygons. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: rgba(0,64,255,0.7) |
width | number |
Width of the stroke line when drawing polygons (in pixels). Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: 1 |
encodedpath | string |
Path in Google Encoded Polyline Format. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
shortest | boolean |
Draw the shortest paths, allow to cross the dateline.
Default: false |
Request example,34.1,23.6,52.96/400x300.png?key=YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY
Get your FREE API key in the MapTiler Cloud.
Code | Content | Description |
200 | image/* | |
400 |
Out of bounds / Invalid format |
403 |
Key is missing, invalid or restricted |
404 |
The item does not exist |
414 |
URI Too Long. Maximum allowed length is 8192 bytes. |
Auto-fitted image
Generates a raster image based on the given features. The area is calculated so that all the paths and markers given in query are visible.
You must include an API Key with every API request
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
mapId | string |
Identifier of the map. See MapTiler Cloud Maps.
Example: streets-v2 |
width | integer |
Width of the image in pixels.
height | integer |
Height of the image in pixels.
scale | string |
Use “@2x” to get “retina”/HiDPI image.
Allowed values:
@2x |
format | string |
The value depends on the Map settings.
Allowed values:
webp |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
padding | number |
Ensures the autofitted bounds or features are comfortably visible in the resulting area. E.g. use 0.1 to add 10% margin (at least) of the size to each side.
Default: 0.1 |
path | string |
Define path(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See
Match pattern: ((fill|stroke|width|shortest)\:[^\|]+\|)*((enc:.+)|((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*))) |
markers | string |
Define marker(s) to be drawn on top of the map. Can be used multiple times. See
Match pattern: ((icon|anchor|scale)\:[^\|]+\|)*((-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?\|)+(-?\d+\.?\d*,-?\d+\.?\d*(,[^\|]+)?)) |
latlng | boolean |
Use [latitude, longitude] order for coordinates instead of [longitude, latitude].
Default: false |
attribution | string |
Changes the position of map attribution. If you disable the attribution make sure to display it in your application yourself (visibly).
Allowed values:
false Default: bottomright |
fill | string |
Color to use as a fill when drawing polygons. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: rgba(255,255,255,0.4) |
stroke | string |
Color to use as a stroke when drawing polygons. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: rgba(0,64,255,0.7) |
width | number |
Width of the stroke line when drawing polygons (in pixels). Deprecated, use “path” instead.
Default: 1 |
encodedpath | string |
Path in Google Encoded Polyline Format. Deprecated, use “path” instead.
shortest | boolean |
Draw the shortest paths, allow to cross the dateline.
Default: false |
Request example|width:3|fill:none|5.9,45.8|5.9,47.8|10.5,47.8|10.5,45.8|5.9,45.8&key=YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY
Get your FREE API key in the MapTiler Cloud.
Code | Content | Description |
200 | image/* | |
400 |
Out of bounds / Invalid format |
403 |
Key is missing, invalid or restricted |
404 |
The item does not exist |
414 |
URI Too Long. Maximum allowed length is 8192 bytes. |

- Maps API
- Static Maps API
- Tiles API
- Data API
- Geocoding API
- Geolocation API
- Coordinates API
- Weather API
- Other
- Description