Elevation Profile Control API reference

This reference documents every object and method available. Each section describes classes or objects as well as their properties, parameters, methods, and associated events. Many sections also include inline code examples and related resources.

The ElevationProfileControl creates a graphical component in your map application to show the elevation profile of any GeoJSON trace.

Example (create control with some not default options)



Options to provide to the ElevationProfileControl constructor (ControlOptions).


default: false
If true, the elevation profile control will be visible as soon as it's ready. If false, a click on the control button (or a programmatic call to .showProfile()) will be necessary to show the profile.
default: "30%"
Size of the profile as a CSS rule. This `size` will be the `width` if the `.position` is "left" or "right", and will be the `height` if the `.position` is "top" or "bottom".
"top" | "left" | "right" | "bottom"?
default: "bottom"
Position of the elevation profile chart when shown.
default: true
Show the control button. If can be handy to hide it, especially if the profile is displayed in a custom container and that its visibility is managed by logic external to this control.
default: ""
A CSS class to add to the container. This is especially relevant when the options .container is not provided. ⚠️ If provided, no styling is added by this control and even placement will have to be managed by external CSS.
default: automatically created inside the map container
DIV element to contain the control. ⚠️ If provided, no styling is added by this control.
string | null?
Color of the background of the chart
"metric" | "imperial"?
default: "metric"
Unit system to use. If "metric" , elevation and D+ will be in meters, distances will be in km. If "imperial", elevation and D+ will be in feet, distances will be in miles.
default: 12
Font size applied to axes labels and tooltip.
default: false
If true, will force the computation of the elevation of the GeoJSON data provided to the .setData() method, even if they already contain elevation (possibly from GPS while recording). If false, the elevation will only be computed if missing from the positions.
default: true
Display the elevation label along the vertical axis.
default: true
Display the distance labels along the horizontal axis.
default: true
Display the distance and elevation units alongside the labels.
default: "#0009"(partially transparent black)
Color of the elevation and distance labels.
string | null?
default: "#66ccff"
Color of the elevation profile line. Can be null to not display the line and rely on the background color only.
default: 1.5
Width of the elevation profile line.
string | null?
default: "#66ccff22"
Color of the elevation profile background (below the profile line) Can be null to not display any background color.
default: true
Display the tooltip following the pointer.
default: "#fff"
Color of the text inside the tooltip.
default: "#000A"(partially transparent black)
Color of the tooltip background.
default: true
Display the distance information inside the tooltip if true.
default: true
Display the elevation information inside the tooltip if true.
default: true
Display the D+ (cumulated positive ascent) inside the tooltip if true.
default: true
Display the slope grade in percentage inside the tooltip if true.
default: false
Display the distance grid lines (vertical lines matching the distance labels) if true.
default: true
Display the elevation grid lines (horizontal lines matching the elevation labels) if true.
default: "#0001"(partially transparent black)
Color of the distance grid lines.
default: "#0001"(partially transparent black)
Color of the elevation grid lines.
default: 30
Padding at the top of the chart, in number of pixels.
default: 10
Padding at the bottom of the chart, in number of pixels.
default: 10
Padding at the left of the chart, in number of pixels.
default: 10
Padding at the right of the chart, in number of pixels.
default: true
Display the crosshair, a vertical line that follows the pointer, if true.
default: "#0005"(partially transparent black)
Color of the crosshair.
(windowedLineString: LineString) => void | null?
default: null
Callback function to call when the chart is zoomed or panned. The argument windowedLineString is the GeoJSON LineString corresponding to the portion of the route visible in the elevation chart.
(data: CallbackData) => void | null?
default: null
Callback function to call when the the elevation chart is clicked.
(data: CallbackData) => void | null?
default: null
Callback function to call when the pointer is moving on the elevation chart.
With CallbackData being:


The control has three events available that we can define in the constructor options:

  • onMove when moving the pointer on top of the profile
  • onClick when clicking on the profile
  • onChangeView when zooming or panning the profile

With the event onMove we can easily display a marker moving on top of the map. See the Elevation profile control show trace position example.

With the event onChangeView, we can access a GeoJSON LineString corresponding to the zoomed section that we can then display on top of the full-length route. We can quickly achieve this with the Polyline Helper available in the MapTiler SDK. Check out the Elevation profile control show zoomed section example.

Elevation profile control events onMove and onChangeView


As with many MapTiler SDK (or MapLibre) controls, it is made available with a button on the map. By default, the elevation profile chart is displayed on the map. However, you can customize how you want to achieve that.

Control constructor styling options

The following configuration makes the chart sticking to the left, partially transparent to reveal the map underneath:

const epc = new maptilerelevationprofilecontrol.ElevationProfileControl({
  visible: true, // no need to click, it's there by default
  position: "left",
  backgroundColor: "#0005",
  labelColor: "#FFF6",
  size: "50%", // Take half of the room available (default is 30%)
  elevationGridColor: "#FFF1",
  tooltipTextColor: "#000b",
  tooltipBackgroundColor: "#eeea",
  profileLineColor: "#a103fc",
  profileBackgroundColor: "#a103fc11",

Here is the result: Elevation profile control customize by options

Control containerClass option

A second option to achieve even more custom styling is to use the option containerClass. This way, almost all the styling is performed at the application level (rather than internally by the control itself), yet the control still creates the container. Here is an example:

const epc = new maptilerelevationprofilecontrol.ElevationProfileControl({
  visible: true,
  // since the text is drawn in the canvas, 
  // it still has to be tuned here:
  fontSize: 9,
  containerClass: "profileContainer",

Here is the profileContainer style definition in CSS:

@keyframes fadeIn {
  from { opacity: 0; }
  to { opacity: 1; }

.profileContainer {
  background-color: #fff;
  height: 200px;
  width: 60%;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  border-radius: 3px;
  margin: 20px auto;
  filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 15px #00000066);
  animation: fadeIn 0.5s ease forwards;

Here is the result: Elevation profile control styled by a custom class

Display the control in an external container

A third way to achieve customization with an even higher level of freedom is to use the container options. Instead of creating the container, the Control will use an existing one and not alter its container’s styling. Here is an example of how to achieve that:

const epc = new maptilerelevationprofilecontrol.ElevationProfileControl({
  unit: "imperial",
  container: "profileContainer",
  showButton: false,
  labelColor: "#FFF6",
  elevationGridColor: "#FFF1",
  tooltipTextColor: "#000b",
  tooltipBackgroundColor: "#eeea",
  profileLineColor: "#a103fc",
  profileBackgroundColor: "#a103fc11",
  crosshairColor: "#66f5",
  displayTooltip: true,

For a better-looking example, the example also comes with some custom colors. Here is how it looks like: Elevation profile control display in an external container

As you can see, the option showButton is false, and as a result, the control button is not showing on top of the map. This may be convenient in cases where the container is managed entirely at the application level.

Check out the Elevation profile control customized example.

Module Reference

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