Weather wind and temperature layer

Experience the power of visualizing weather conditions, including wind speed and temperature, with the help of MapTiler Cloud’s Weather Wind dataset. By accessing this dataset, you can easily retrieve information about wind speed and temperature at any specific location.

To enhance the user experience, we have implemented a unique feature in this example. Utilizing the ColorRamp.builtin.NULL on the wind layer, we have ensured that only the wind direction particles are displayed above the temperature layer. Additionally, we have incorporated a convenient time control that allows you to select a specific date and time to view the corresponding data. The time control is generated using the getAnimationStartDate() and getAnimationEndDate() functions of the layer, which define the minimum and maximum dates available for exploration.

Learn more

Check out the Weather JS module reference

Check out the Wind layer reference

Check out the Temperature layer reference

The Weather JS module can only be used with the MapTiler SDK.
Use the Weather JS module with the MapTiler SDK v2.x. We are working on adapting the weather module to work with v3 of the SDK and to be able to have weather visualizations on a 3D globe.
An extension of MapLibre GL JS