List of disputed border names and tags

This article contains a table of all the possible values of disputed_name and claimed_by tags for MapTiler Planet. These values are useful especially for border editing in Advanced editor.

For more details about the disputed borders, such as the explanation of the topic, manual for Customize tool or cartographic ideas, please check the Disputed borders on your maps article. We also recommend going through the MapTiler Planet boundary schema.

The list is relevant only for the MapTiler Planet dataset with controlled disputed borders. Before every release, the MapTiler team checks and updates the border geometry and attributes based on the current geopolitical situation. For the OpenMapTiles dataset, we use the disputed borders derived directly from OpenStreetMap.

Possible values

The disputed_name tag is the reference for the disputed area without any spaces.

The claimed_by tag is a two-letter value based on the ISO Alpha-2 country codes. The country names in brackets are for reference only.

disputed_name claimed_by
Crimea RU (Russia) UA (Ukraine)
NagornoKarabakh ArmenianClaim XN (Nagorno Karabakh) AM (Armenia)
Kosovo XK (Kosovo)
IndianClaim PakistaniClaim ChineseClaim IndiaBorder LineOfControl LineOfActualControl ShaksgamValley AksaiChin Demchok SiachenGlacier SamduValleys ShipkiPass Uttarkashi Barahoti Kalapani DoklamPlateau ArunachalPradesh IN (India) PK (Pakistan) CN (China) NP (Nepal) BT (Bhutan)
Cyprus TR (Turkey)
GazaStrip WestBank GolanHeights PS (Palestine) IL (Israel) SY (Syria)
Ogaden ET (Ethiopia)
WesternSahara EH (Western Sahara)
Abyei KafiaKingi Ilemi SD (Sudan) SS (South Sudan) KE (Kenya)
BirTawil Halaib WadiHalfa EG (Egypt) SD (Sudan)
Abkhazia SouthOssetia XA (Abkhazia) XS (South Ossetia)
Vorukh KyrgyzstanTajikistanBorder KG (Kyrgyzstan)


This list provides you with all the possible values of disputed_name and claimed_by tags in MapTiler Planet. MapTiler team regularly updates this list based on the new disputed borders releases. If you would like to add a new country point of view or adjust the existing, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Documentation - Boundaries in MapTiler Cloud
MapTiler Cloud - Disputed Borders
MapTiler YouTube – MapTiler Cloud: How to edit disputed borders from a two-sided perspective