Helpers MapTiler logo

Helpers are a set of functions to facilitate the creation of sources and layers. All the helpers are made avaialable under the helpers object.

  maptilersdk.helpers.addPolyline(map, { 
    // dataset UUID, a URL (relative or absolute) 
    data: "some-trace.geojson",

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPolyline(map, { 
    // dataset UUID, a URL (relative or absolute) 
    data: "some-trace.geojson",

Vector Layer Helpers

Let's make vector layers easy! Originaly, you'd have to add a source and then proceed to the styling of your layer, which can be tricky because there are a lot of paint and layout options and they vary a lot from one type of layer to another. But we have helpers for this!

Vector Layer Helpers:

Shared logic

Helpers come with a lot of built-in defaults and some fail-proof logic that makes creating vector layers much easier! As a result, a dataset can be displayed in one call, creating both the datasource and the layer(s) in one go!

Depending on the type of feature to add (point, polyline, polygon or heatmap), a different helper function needs to be used, but datasource could contain mixed types of feature and the helper will only display a specific type. Example: we have a geoJSON file that contains both polygons and point and we use it as the data property on the helpers.addPoint(map, {options}), this will only add the points.

In addition to easy styling, helper's datasource can be:

  • a URL to a geoJSON file or its string content
  • a URL to a GPX or KML file (only for the polyline helper) or its string content
  • a UUID of a MapTiler Cloud dataset

Multiple Layers

The key design principle of these vector layers helpers is it's easy to make what you want. Helpers can create multiple layers to represent the symbolization of a layer, if necessary.


To create a road with an outline with the Polyline Layer Helper, you just say if you want an outline and specify its size (or even a zoom dependant size) and everything is handled for you. As a result, the helpers.addPolyline method will return an object with multiple IDs: ID of the top/main layer, ID of the outline layer (could be null) and the ID of the data source. This makes further layer and source manipulation possible.

Without the helpers to create a road with an outline, one must draw two layers: a wider base layer and a narrower top layer, fueled by the same polyline data. This requires ordering the layers properly and computing not the width of the outline, but rather the width of the polyline underneath so that it outgrows the top road layer of the desired number of pixels.


The vector layer helper also share some I/O logic: each of them can take many options but a subset of them is common across all the helpers:

options.layerId? ID to give to the layer. If not provided, an auto-generated ID like "maptiler-layer-xxxxxx" will be auto-generated, with "xxxxxx" being a random string.
options.sourceId? ID to give to the source. If not provided, an auto-generated ID like "maptiler-source-xxxxxx" will be auto-generated, with "xxxxxx" being a random string.
(FeatureCollection | string)
A geojson Feature collection or a URL to a geojson or the UUID of a MapTiler Cloud dataset.
options.beforeId? The ID of an existing layer to insert the new layer before, resulting in the new layer appearing visually beneath the existing layer. If this argument is not specified, the layer will be appended to the end of the layers array and appear visually above all other layers.
default: 0
Zoom level at which it starts to show.
default: 22
Zoom level after which it no longer show.
default: false
Whether or not to add an outline.
default: white
Color of the outline. This is can be a constant color string or a definition based on zoom levels. Applies only if .outline is true.
default: 1
Width of the outline (relative to screen-space). This is can be a constant width or a definition based on zoom levels. Applies only if .outline is true.
default: 1
Opacity of the outline. This is can be a constant opacity in [0, 1] or a definition based on zoom levels. Applies only if .outline is true.

Polyline Layer Helper

The polyline helper makes it easy to create vector layers that contain polylines. Whenever it's possible and it makes sense, we use the same terminology across the different helpers.


The method helpers.addPolyline is not only compatible with the traditionnal GeoJSON source but also with GPX and KML files and the data option can be a MapTiler Cloud dataset UUID and will be resolved automatically.

Minimal usage, with the default line width and a random color (withing a selected list)

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPolyline(map, { 
    // dataset UUID, a URL (relative or absolute) 
    data: "some-trace.geojson",


Extends CommonShapeLayerOptions

default: a color randomly pick from a list
Color of the line (or polyline). This is can be a constant color string or a definition based on zoom levels.
default: 3
Width of the line (relative to screen-space). This is can be a constant width or a definition based on zoom levels.
default: 1
Opacity of the line. This is can be a constant opacity in [0, 1] or a definition based on zoom levels.
default: 0
How blury the line is, with `0` being no blur and `10` and beyond being quite blurry.
default: 0
Draws a line casing outside of a line's actual path. Value indicates the width of the inner gap.
default: no dash pattern

Sequence of line and void to create a dash pattern. The unit is the line width so that a dash array value of [3, 1] will create a segment worth 3 times the width of the line, followed by a spacing worth 1 time the line width, and then repeat.

Alternatively, this property can be a string made of underscore and whitespace characters such as "___ _ " and internaly this will be translated into [3, 1, 1, 1]. Note that this way of describing dash arrays with a string only works for integer values.

Dash arrays can contain more than 2 element to create more complex patters. For instance a dash array value of [3, 2, 1, 2] will create the following sequence:

  • a segment worth 3 times the width
  • a spacing worth 2 times the width
  • a segment worth 1 times the width
  • a spacing worth 2 times the width
  • repeat

("butt" | "round" | "square")
default: "round"
The display of line endings for both the line and the outline (if .outline is true).
  • "butt": A cap with a squared-off end which is drawn to the exact endpoint of the line.
  • "round": A cap with a rounded end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a radius of one-half of the line's width and centered on the endpoint of the line.
  • "square": A cap with a squared-off end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a distance of one-half of the line's width.
("bevel" | "round" | "miter")
default: "round"
The display of lines when joining for both the line and the outline (if .outline is true).
  • "bevel": A join with a squared-off end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a distance of one-half of the line's width.
  • "round": A join with a rounded end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a radius of one-half of the line's width and centered on the endpoint of the line.
  • "miter": A join with a sharp, angled corner which is drawn with the outer sides beyond the endpoint of the path until they meet.
default: 0
How blury the outline is, with `0` being no blur and `10` and beyond being quite blurry. Applies only if .outline is true.


Check out the full list of examples

We can add many options, such a a specific color, a custom width or a dash pattern, this time sourcing the data from MapTiler Cloud, using the UUID of a dataset:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPolyline(map, { 
    data: "74003ba7-215a-4b7e-8e26-5bbe3aa70b05",
    lineColor: "#FF6666",
    lineWidth: 4,
    lineDashArray: "____ _ ",
    lineCap: "butt",

As you can see, we've come up with a fun and easy way to create dash arrays, just use underscores and white spaces and this pattern will repeat!

Adding an outline is also pretty straightforward:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPolyline(map, { 
    data: "74003ba7-215a-4b7e-8e26-5bbe3aa70b05",
    lineColor: "#880000",
    outline: true,

Endless possibilities, what about a glowing wire?

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPolyline(map, { 
    data: "74003ba7-215a-4b7e-8e26-5bbe3aa70b05",
    lineColor: "#fff",
    lineWidth: 1,
    outline: true,
    outlineColor: "#ca57ff",
    outlineWidth: 2,
    outlineWidth: 10,
    outlineBlur: 10,
    outlineOpacity: 0.5,

View more Polyline Layer Helper examples

Polygon Layer Helper

The polygon helper makes it easy to create vector layers that contain polygons, whether they are multipolygons, holedpolygons or just simple polygons. Whenever it's possible and it makes sense, we use the same terminology across the different helpers.


Minimal usage, with a half-transparent and a random color (withing a selected list) polygon of Switzerland, from a local file:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPolygon(map, {
    data: "switzerland.geojson",
    fillOpacity: 0.5,


Extends CommonShapeLayerOptions

default: a color randomly pick from a list
Color of the polygon. This is can be a constant color string or a definition based on zoom levels.
default: 1
Opacity of the polygon. This is can be a constant opacity in [0, 1] or a definition based on zoom levels.
("center" | "inside" | "outside")
default: "center"
Position of the outline with regard to the polygon edge (when .outline is true).
default: no dash pattern

Sequence of line and void to create a dash pattern. The unit is the line width so that a dash array value of [3, 1] will create a segment worth 3 times the width of the line, followed by a spacing worth 1 time the line width, and then repeat.

Alternatively, this property can be a string made of underscore and whitespace characters such as "___ _ " and internaly this will be translated into [3, 1, 1, 1]. Note that this way of describing dash arrays with a string only works for integer values.

Dash arrays can contain more than 2 element to create more complex patters. For instance a dash array value of [3, 2, 1, 2] will create the following sequence:

  • a segment worth 3 times the width
  • a spacing worth 2 times the width
  • a segment worth 1 times the width
  • a spacing worth 2 times the width
  • repeat

("butt" | "round" | "square")
default: "round"
The display of line endings for both the line and the outline (if .outline is true).
  • "butt": A cap with a squared-off end which is drawn to the exact endpoint of the line.
  • "round": A cap with a rounded end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a radius of one-half of the line's width and centered on the endpoint of the line.
  • "square": A cap with a squared-off end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a distance of one-half of the line's width.
("bevel" | "round" | "miter")
default: "round"
The display of lines when joining for both the line and the outline (if .outline is true).
  • "bevel": A join with a squared-off end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a distance of one-half of the line's width.
  • "round": A join with a rounded end which is drawn beyond the endpoint of the line at a radius of one-half of the line's width and centered on the endpoint of the line.
  • "miter": A join with a sharp, angled corner which is drawn with the outer sides beyond the endpoint of the path until they meet.
default: null (no pattern, fillColor will be used)
The pattern is an image URL to be put as a repeated background pattern of the polygon.
default: 0
How blury the outline is, with `0` being no blur and `10` and beyond being quite blurry. Applies only if .outline is true.


Check out the full list of examples

We can add many options, such a a specific color, a custom width or a pattern, this time sourcing the data from MapTiler Cloud, using the UUID of a dataset:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPolygon(map, { 
    data: "aa203ccf-25ee-4447-bef3-55f90916897a",
    pattern: "cheese512.png",
    outline: true,
    outlineWidth: 3,
    outlineColor: "white",
    outlineDashArray: "_ ",
    fillOpacity: 0.7,

View more Polygon Layer Helper examples

Point Layer Helper

A point visualisation may appear like the simplest of all, but we noticed this is where people get the most creative: cluster, data-drive variable radius, but also scaled with zoom, with or without labels, data-driven colors, etc. Our helper supports all of these and will fill-in with built-in default for what's missing. Whenever it's possible and it makes sense, we use the same terminology across the different helpers.


Here is the simplest example, with a dataset loaded from a local file (if no color is specified, a random color is used and the default radius is ramped over the zoom level):

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPoint(map, {
    data: "public-schools.geojson",


Extends CommonShapeLayerOptions

default: a color randomly pick from a list

Color of the point. This is can be a constant color string or a definition based on zoom levels.

Can be a unique point color as a string (CSS color such as "#FF0000" or "red"). Alternatively, the color can be a ColorRamp with a range.

In case of .cluster being true, the range of the ColorRamp will be addressed with the number of elements in the cluster. If .cluster is false, the color will be addressed using the value of the .property. If no .property is given but .pointColor is a ColorRamp, the chosen color is the one at the lower bound of the ColorRamp.

default: The radius will be between .minPointRadius and .maxPointRadius

Radius of the points. Can be a fixed size or a value dependant on the zoom.

If .pointRadius is not provided, the radius will depend on the size of each cluster (if .cluster is true) or on the value of each point (if .property is provided and .pointColor is a ColorRamp).

default: 10
The minimum point radius posible.
default: 40
The maximum point radius posible.
default: none
The point property to observe and apply the radius and color upon. This is ignored if .cluster is true as the observed value will be fiorced to being the number of elements in each cluster.
default: 1

Opacity of the point or icon. This is can be a constant opacity in [0, 1] or a definition based on zoom levels.

Alternatively, if not provided but the .pointColor is a ColorRamp, the opacity will be extracted from tha alpha component if present.

default: true
If true, the points will keep their circular shape align with the wiewport. If false, the points will be like flatten on the map. This difference shows when the map is tilted.
default: false
Whether the points should cluster
default: true if .cluster or dataDrivenStyleProperty are used, false otherwise
Shows a label with the numerical value id true. If .cluster is true, the value will be the number of elements in the cluster.
default: white
Text color used for the number elements in each cluster. Applicable only when .cluster is true or dataDrivenStyleProperty are used.
default: 12
Text size used for the number elements in each cluster. Applicable only when .cluster is true.
default: true
Only if .cluster is false. If the radius is driven by a property, then it will also scale by zoomming if .zoomCompensation is true. If false, the radius will not adapt according to the zoom level.


Check out the full list of examples

Here is the same dataset, but with point clustering enabled:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPoint(map, {
    data: "public-schools.geojson",
    cluster: true,

On the other hand, if clusters are enabled, the default color is fueled by the color ramp TURBO scaled from 10 to 10000 non-linearly resampled with the method "ease-out-square". The size also varies from minPointradius (default: 10) to maxPointRadius (default: 50):

With the point helper, it's also possible to adapt the color and theradius based on a property. In the following example, we display a point for each public school, with the scaling factor being the number of students:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addPoint(map, {
    data: "public-schools.geojson",
    property: "students",
    pointColor: ColorRampCollection.PORTLAND.scale(200, 2000).resample("ease-out-sqrt"),
    pointOpacity: 0.8,
    minPointRadius: 6,
    maxPointRadius: 30,
    showLabel: true,
    zoomCompensation: false,

Here, the PORTLAND color ramp is going to be used so that schools with 200 students or less will have the colors at the very begining of the color ramp and schools with 2000 or more will have the color defined at the very end. Schools in between will be attributed a colors in a non-linear fashion, following the "ease-out-sqrt" method (read Color Ramps section for more info).

View more Point Layer Helper examples

Heatmap Layer Helper

The heatmap layer is a great alternative for visualizing a collection of sparse data, but they can be challenging to use, especially when one has to come up with their own color ramp from scratch. The helper makes this much easier! Whenever it's possible and it makes sense, we use the same terminology across the different helpers.


Here is a minimalist example, using the default built-in TURBO color ramp:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addHeatmap(map, {
    data: "public-schools.geojson",


options.layerId? ID to give to the layer. If not provided, an auto-generated ID like "maptiler-layer-xxxxxx" will be auto-generated, with "xxxxxx" being a random string.
options.sourceId? ID to give to the source. If not provided, an auto-generated ID like "maptiler-source-xxxxxx" will be auto-generated, with "xxxxxx" being a random string.
(FeatureCollection | string)
A geojson Feature collection or a URL to a geojson or the UUID of a MapTiler Cloud dataset.
options.beforeId? The ID of an existing layer to insert the new layer before, resulting in the new layer appearing visually beneath the existing layer. If this argument is not specified, the layer will be appended to the end of the layers array and appear visually above all other layers.
default: 0
Zoom level at which it starts to show.
default: 22
Zoom level after which it no longer show.
default: ColorRampCollection.TURBO
The ColorRamp instance to use for visualization. The color ramp is expected to be defined in the range [0, 1] or else will be forced to this range.
default: none, the points will all have a weight of 1
Use a property to apply a weight to each data point. Using a property requires also using the options .propertyValueWeight or otherwise will be ignored.

The weight to give to each data point. If of type PropertyValueWeights , then the options .property must also be provided. If used a number, all data points will be weighted by the same number (which is of little interest)


Radius in screenspace. Can be:

  • A fixed number that will be constant across zoom level.
  • A type ZoomNumberValues to be ramped accoding to zoom level (.zoomCompensation will then be ignored).
  • A type PropertyValues to be driven by the value of a property. If so, the option .property must be provided and will still be resized according to zoom level, unless the option .zoomCompensation is set to false.
default: fades-in 0.25z after minzoom and fade-out 0.25z before maxzoom

The opacity can be a fixed value or zoom-driven.

default: the intensity is going to be scaled by zoom to preserve a natural aspect or the data distribution

The intensity is zoom-dependent.

default: true
If the radius is driven by a property, then it will also scale by zoomming if .zoomCompensation is true. If false, the radius will not adapt according to the zoom level.


Check out the full list of examples

Some visualisations are created with a fixed geographic extent or zoom level in mind, whether it's a survey at the scale of a single neigbohood, or statitics at country scale. In this case, we want to tailor the color, radius, weight and intensity of the heatmap blobs exactely for this precise settings. In the following example, we disable the zoom compensation to make sure radii and intensity is never zoom-dependant:

  import { helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  helpers.addHeatmap(map, {
    data: "public-schools.geojson",
    property: "students",
    // radius: how wide are the blobs
    radius: [
      {propertyValue: 100, value: 15},
      {propertyValue: 800, value: 50},
    // weight: how intense are the blob, as fueled by a property
    weight: [
      {propertyValue: 100, value: 0.1},
      {propertyValue: 800, value: 1},
    // A custom color ramp, must be used with its default interval of [0, 1]
    colorRamp: ColorRampCollection.MAGMA,
    zoomCompensation: false,
    opacity: 0.6,
    // a global factor applied to all the blobs, regardless of the property or zoom
    intensity: 1.2,

Turning off zoom compensation allows for more accurate adjustments to the visualization at a specific zoom level, but it may not adapt as smoothly when zooming in or out.

View more Heatmap Layer Helper examples

Take Screenshot Helper

The screenshot helper provides a quick and easy solution for capturing the current map view as a PNG image file, making it the most convenient way to save map snapshots.

Screenshots will not contain DOM elements such as Marker and Popup, since those are not part of the rendering context.


Here is a minimalist example to get a blob (PNG encoded):

  import { Map, helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  // ... initialize a Map instance, wait for the "load" or "ready" event ...

  // Inside an async function, or with using .then()
  const blob = await helpers.takeScreenshot(map);

default: false
If true, this function will trigger a download in addition to returning a blob.
default: "maptiler_screenshot.png"
Only if is true. Indicates the filename under which the file will be downloaded.


Check out the full list of examples

There are two different ways to create screenshot, corresponding to two very different usecases. Note that screenshots will not contain DOM elements such as Marker and Popup, since those are not part of the rendering context.

Get a blob of a screenshot, PNG encoded

  import { Map, helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  // ... initialize a Map instance, wait for the "load" or "ready" event ...

  // Inside an async function, or with using .then()
  const blob = await helpers.takeScreenshot(map);

The returned blob of a PNG image file can be very handy if the goal is to programmatically further manipulate the screenshot, such as sending it to some feedback endpoint with a POST request.

Download a PNG file

  import { Map, helpers } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  // ... initialize a Map instance, wait for the "load" or "ready" event ...

  // No need to be inside an async function, the download will be triggered when the file is ready
  maptilersdk.helpers.takeScreenshot(map, {
    download: true, 
    filename: "map_screenshot.png"

Getting a file directly is a nice option that can be useful to share some debugging context with colleagues, compare multiple styles, or share your creation on social media.

Keep in mind that MapTiler Cloud data are copyrighted and their usage is restricted. This include MapTiler built-in styles and tilesets, among others. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to read our terms or to ask our support team.

Other helpers

Convert GPX and KML to GeoJSON

In the Polyline helper section above, we have seen that one can feed the helper directly with a path to a GPX or KML file, that is then converted under the hood client-side into a GeoJSON FeatureCollection object. This conversion feature is also exposed and can be used as such:

  import { gpx } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  // ... assuming inside an async function

  // Fetching the GPX file as a string:
  const gpxFilePath = "some_gps_trace.gpx";
  const gpxResponse = await fetch(gpxFilePath);
  const gpxStr = await res.text();

  // Converting the GPX payload into a GeoJSON FeatureCollection:
  const features = maptilersdk.gpx(gpxStr);
  const features = gpx(gpxStr);

And for KML files:

  import { kml } from "@maptiler/sdk";

  // ... assuming inside an async function

  // Fetching the KML file as a string:
  const kmlFilePath = "some_gps_trace.kml";
  const kmlResponse = await fetch(kmlFilePath);
  const kmlStr = await res.text();

  // Converting the KML payload into a GeoJSON FeatureCollection:
  const features = maptilersdk.kml(kmlStr);
  const features = kml(kmlStr);
Types and Interfaces
Array of string values that depend on zoom level

    zoom: number, // Zoom level
    value: string // Value for the given zoom level
Array of number values that depend on zoom level

    zoom: number, // Zoom level
    value: number // Value for the given zoom level

    propertyValue: number, // Value of the property (input)
    value: number // Value to associate it with (output)
Reference documentation of MapTiler SDK JS, an extension of MapLibre GL JS