Map in React JS point data from geojson data

Maps in React series

In this series, we will learn how to create a map app in React with popups, a visualization switcher, geocoding control, 3D terrain, and a sidebar.

This example is the Episode 1 of the Maps in React series. In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to add geojson points to your React JS map using the MapTiler SDK JS point helper.

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to create a map with hundreds of points. With your newfound knowledge, you will be able to create visually stunning maps with React + GeoJSON + MapTiler SDK. Take a look at the final output of this tutorial:

In this example we are going to use Airbnb accommodation data from Honolulu. We have cleaned up the data and selected only a few properties for the practical purposes of the example.

  1. Follow the Map in React JS with Material UI tutorial to create a simple full-screen map application.

  2. Change the basemap to Dataviz Light. This style is specially made for dashboards, so the data will shine more on it than on the street style, which was made primarily for navigation apps. You can find the full list of standard maps in the MapTiler SDK documentation. Modify the map component src/components/Map/map.jsx.

  3. Remove the marker from the map. In this example we are going to add data to the map from a GeoJSON so we will not need the marker anymore. Delete the following lines:

  4. Change the title of the page. Open the index.html file

  5. Upload the GeoJSON file to the MapTiler cloud. Check out the How to Upload GeoJSON to MapTiler Cloud tutorial to learn how to do it. Publish the dataset and copy the dataset ID.

  6. Update the src/config.js file.

    Here you will need to replace YOUR_DATASET_ID_HERE with your actual MapTiler dataset ID.

  7. Modify the map component map.jsx file. Create a variable where we will store the ID of our dataset.

  8. Add event handler for map load event. You will add code to load a GeoJSON layer in this handler.

  9. Use the Point Layer Helper to load and style the GeoJSON point layer.

  10. Set the points color to red (if no color is specified, a random color is used) and specify the opacity as well. This can make the points a little less intense and easier on the eye.

  11. Reload the page, now we can see our red dot maps with transparency.

    GeoJSON React JS maps of points

  12. Let’s color each point based on the value of an attribute in the data. In the example we will use the minimum_nights attribute. The MapTiler SDK comes with several built-in color Ramps. We are going to use the COOL color ramp. By setting the scale from 0 to 30 and applying the reverse method. You should be able to see the Airbnb that you can only rent for more than a month (the purples ones).

  13. This is good for an overview, but we’d like to see the exact number of minimum nights, so let’s add some labels.

  14. That’s better, but you can’t really read the labels on the green dots, so let’s change the color of the labels to black.

  15. As you can see the size of the dots depends on the length of the minimum stays. We don’t need this when the color already shows it. Therefore, we will set the radius of the dots to 12.

  16. With everything done up until now, you should be able see your beautiful map in your browser.

    GeoJSON React JS choropleth maps of points

Optional. Point helpers can also create clusters, so you don’t need to use anything like a 3rd party plugin to do this. Simply set Cluster to be true! It couldn’t be easier!

This is how the cluster map would look. In this visualization, the size of the circles corresponds to the number of accommodations, and the labels also show the number of accommodations in the cluster.

GeoJSON React JS cluster maps of points

Full code to download

We have created a repository with the result of this tutorial that will serve as a basis to build future applications. You can access the repository at GitHubLogoMaps in React.

Next episode

Continue to Episode 2: Map in React JS create a heatmap to learn how to create a heatmap in your React JS map using the MapTiler SDK JS.