MapTiler SDK JS geocoding component how to search places using React JS

This tutorial shows how to search for places using the Geocoding control. The geocoder component facilitates the use of the MapTiler Geocoding API.

Display Geocoding control using React JS

  1. Follow the React JS with MapTiler maps tutorial to create a simple fullscreen map application. You do not need to add the marker to the map.

  2. Install the Geocoding control module

     npm install --save @maptiler/geocoding-control
  3. Import the Geocoding control and the required React functions. Add these lines on top of map.jsx file.

  4. Create the mapController state

  5. Set the mapController. Use the current MapLibre map.

  6. Add the GeocodingControl component to the map.

  7. We’ll need a simple style to correctly render the Geocoding control on the map. Add the following to the end of the map.css file.

     .geocoding {
       position: absolute;
       top: 10px;
       left: 10px;

We are finished, your map.jsx file should look like this:

your map.ccs file should look like this:

The library also has types defined to be used in TypeScript.

Learn more

Visit the MapTiler Geocoding API reference for all search options. For example specifying the language of the results, etc.