Marker Layout API reference

This reference documents every object and method available. Each section describes classes or objects as well as their properties, parameters, methods, and associated events. Many sections also include inline code examples and related resources.

The MarkerLayout is a helper to create non-colliding marker overlays on top of MapTiler SDK. Fed by a vector layer from a tileset or a GeoJSON source, it can be tuned with plenty of options. Thanks to its non-opinionated and logic-only approach, it lets you bind any kind of rendering you wish for your markers: vanilla HTML div, React components, floating canvas, etc. as it computes the position and size of the markers but lets you handle the rendering part.

Example (create a Marker Layout with some not default options)


Creates a Marker Layout component


The Map instance to add the Marker Layout. (Map).
Options to provide to the MarkerLayout constructor (MarkerLayoutOptions).


default: uses all the layers available
IDs of layers to query for vector features.
default: [150, 50]
Size of the markers on screen space [width, height].
default: no maximum
Maximum number of markers to keep.
default: "center"
Position of the marker relative to its anchor point.
default: [0, 0]
Offset to apply to the marker, in number of pixel, relative to its anchor position. First element of the array is the horizontal offset where negative shifts towards the left and positive shifts towards the right. Second element of the array is the vertical offset where negative shifts towards the top and positive shifts towards the bottom.
(feature: MapGeoJSONFeature) => void
default: none
A filter function can be provided. Each feature will be tested against this filter function, and the returned value can be true (the feature is kept) or false (the feature is discarded).
(feature: MapGeoJSONFeature) => number | string?
default: none
Property to sort the features by. If not provided, the features will not be sorted. Alternatively, the sorting property can be a function that takes the feature as argument and returns a number, aka. the sorting value (or rank)
"ascending" | "descending"?
default: "ascending"
Sorting order, only relevant if the option .sortingProperty is provided, or else will be ignored.
default: no grouping
Property to group by. The property must be present in the properties object of the feature unless the value of groupBy is equal to "coordinates", then the geometry coordinates are being used.
default: Infinity
Markers can contain multiple features, this parameter can be set to have a strict limit.
default: 2.5
When a marker contains multiple features, its size can get bigger. This number is the max ratio applied to the defined markerSize. Intentionally non-integer so that the user can see there is still half an element to show at the bottom and understand they can scroll for more.


As we interact with the map (pan, zoom, rotation, etc.) we need to know which markers are now visible, disappeared outside the viewport or are still visible but at a different (screen space) location.

To compute this, a MarkerLayout instance has two methods:

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