SDK JS Modules
Geocoding Control
Graphical component for the Geocoding control in your map application (MapTiler SDK, Leaflet, MapLibre, and more).
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Weather JS module
The Weather JS module for MapTiler SDK contains a set of weather-specific tiled layers to put into your map, just like any layer! Visualize it at 60 frames per second animation.
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Augmented reality (AR) Control
Add a button on your MapTiler SDK's Map to create a 3D model of the viewport, including 3D terrain and any layer you have put on top.
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Elevation Profile Control
Elevation profile control for MapTiler SDK is an easy way to show the elevation profile of any GeoJSON trace, with elevation data fueled by MapTiler Cloud.
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Marker Layout
Create non-colliding marker overlays on top of MapTiler SDK. Fed by a vector layer from a tileset or from a GeoJSON source.
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3D objects/models
Add 3D objects to your basemap with plenty of customizations from glTF/glb files!.
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