Contains administrative boundaries as linestrings. Until z4 Natural Earth data is used after which OSM boundaries (boundary=administrative) are present from z5 to z14 (also for maritime boundaries with admin_level <= 2 at z4). OSM data contains several admin_level but for most styles it makes sense to just style admin_level=2 and admin_level=4.



OSM admin_level indicating the level of importance of this boundary. The admin_level corresponds to the lowest admin_level the line participates in. At low zoom levels the Natural Earth boundaries are mapped to the equivalent admin levels.


State name on the left of the border. For country boundaries only (admin_level = 2).


State name on the right of the border. For country boundaries only (admin_level = 2).


Mark with 1 if the border is disputed.

Possible values:

  • 0
  • 1


Field containing name of the disputed area (extracted from border relation in OSM, without spaces). For country boundaries only (admin_level = 2). Value examples from Asian OSM pbf extract

Possible values:

  • AbuMusaIsland
  • BaraHotiiValleys
  • ChineseClaim
  • Crimea
  • Demchok
  • Dokdo
  • IndianClaim-North
  • IndianClaimwesternKashmir
  • PakistaniClaim
  • SamduValleys
  • TirpaniValleys


ISO2 code of country, which wants to see the boundary line. For country boundaries only (admin_level = 2).


Mark with 1 if it is a maritime border.

Possible values:

  • 0
  • 1
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