Names of areas, usually displayed only as a label (not an icon). Larger areas with natural names of undefined borders and administrative areas. Also including address numbers at zoom level 16.





Possible values:

  • place - Place names of inhabited places like cities, large towns, small towns and hamlets in the Netherlands. Also including urban district names as used by inhabitants (different form administrative districts).
  • admin - Administrative names from administrative areas according to the CBS. Placed as a point inside the area.
  • water - Relevant water names of physical areas. (not harbors)
  • nature - Relevant nature area names. Only large nature areas. (not gardens and dog parks)
  • adress - Address numbers and letters, available at zoom level 16.
  • junction
  • milestone
  • street


Possible values:

  • place
    • urban_district
    • settlement
  • admin
    • country
    • province
    • municipality
    • district
    • neighborhood
  • water
  • nature
  • address
  • junction
  • milestone
  • street


Place label hierarchy. Based on capitals, population size, category and geometry type. e.g. polygons have a higher hierarchy then points. For a detailed overview see the document Label_hierarchy.ods

Possible values:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13


Rotation of address numbers in degrees. Only for type == address. Possible values from -90 to 90.

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