Show Raster Image on the Map using Leaflet

This Leaflet JS tutorial demonstrates how to add a raster image overlay to a map. You will learn how to load and display a single image on specific map areas.

  1. Copy the following code, paste it into your favorite text editor, and save it as a .html file.

  2. Replace YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY_HERE with your actual MapTiler API key.

  3. The next is up to you. You can center your map wherever you desire (modifying the starting position) and set an appropriate zoom level (modifying the starting zoom) to match your users’ needs. Additionally, you can change the map’s look (by updating the source URL); choose from a range of visually appealing map styles from our extensive MapTiler standard maps, or create your own to truly differentiate your application.

  4. Create an image layer using the L.imageOverlay function. Set the image Lat/Lng bounds. Here you can get the example image aerial_wgs84.png

     L.imageOverlay("./aerial_wgs84.png", [
         [50.900867668253724, 4.639663696289062],
         [50.89935199434383, 4.642066955566406],
         ], {
         opacity: 0.85