OpenStreetMap vector data
Vector data served on MapTiler Cloud and MapTiler Data comes mostly from OpenStreetMap (OSM, OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project that aims to create freely available geographic data.
The scheme for the MapTiler database can be found at
MapTiler Planet schema was created to serve as a base map and additional data can be rendered separately and added to the MapTiler Cloud service.
Missing or incorrect data
If you are missing any information in the maps or find anything wrong in the map, you can suggest an edit to the data in the OSM database editor:
When the data is correct in OSM and incorrect in MapTiler, please contact MapTiler at The rule of thumb is that fixing the data in OSM will automatically fix the data in MapTiler.
We are regularly updating our maps on MapTiler Cloud and in MapTiler Data. However, if you made any changes in the OpenStreetMap database, it takes a few weeks to see the reflected changes in our maps.