MapTiler Data Map Styles Package 3.14.1 explained

This page provides detailed information about the content of the free MapTiler Data Map Styles Package 3.14.1 that can be used with the MapTiler Server.

MapTiler Data Map Styles Package 3.14.1 is intended for DEMO PURPOSES ONLY !!!
It holds data optimized for the Zurich Region, and it will not work correctly anywhere else in the world. Please subscribe to a paid plan at MapTiler Data website to download data for other regions.

What is the Map Styles Package?

MapTiler Data Map Styles Package 3.14.1 is a bundle of ready-to-use Map Styles, Datasets, and Fonts that can be used to test MapTiler Server for free. 

Where to download it?

In order to download the Map Styles Package, you need to navigate to the MapTiler Data pageand tap on the download (you can also download it directly from the MapTiler Server).

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 18.16.52.png

Once you have downloaded the package, drag and drop the zip into the MapTiler Server interface


What’s in the package?

Map Styles

Map style is a style.JSON document that defines the visual appearance of a map. The style includes information about data sources, e.g., OpenMapTiles or MapTiler Planet, and it also holds specific styling for specific layers. The whole style can be easily modified to fit the purpose of the map.

All Map Styles except Satellite Hybrid are showing data for the Zurich Region only, as they are using OpenMapTiles (Zurich) as a source of data. 

  • Basic MapTiler Basic is designed for overlaying your geospatial data with style. Users may not get distracted by vivid colors or flashy icons and thus focus on your data rather than on the background.
  • Dataviz Dataviz style focuses on simplicity and minimalism. It is the background style for the data visualization use cases where customers overlay their own data over our map. Dataviz doesn’t include any POIs and all the other features are simplified and kept as minimal as possible.
  • Outdoor Outdoor map style highlights hiking trails over roads, natural phenomena over the cityscape, and points of interest like shelters, alpine huts, or springs over transportation infrastructure.
  • Satellite Hybrid It’s a seamless cloudless mosaic of the whole world. Color-balanced by our cartographers, Satellite Hybrid serves as a beautiful basemap for your own data. Roads, borders, and placenames are added atop for better navigation and geographic context.
  • Streets MapTiler Streets enables you to explore any territory, metropolitan area, or transportation network. *Easy-to-read cartography and high-contrast colors help you navigate through complex cityscapes. *Street names, house numbers, and buildings footprints provide the map reader with a detailed neighborhood representation.**


All datasets except Satellite Lowres are showing data for the Zurich Region only. (z - zoom levels)

  • OpenMapTiles (z0-14) These tiles contain a selection of OpenStreetMap data - in layers defined by the OpenMapTiles Vector Tile Schema.
  • Cadastre (z0-17)
    MapTiler Cadastre is a tileset containing real estate cadastre information. Design of tileset containing the most useful information (availability depends on country) like parcel, buildings and their numbers, land use, or addresses.
  • Contours (z9-14)
    Contour lines connect points on a map with the same elevation and are used to visualize the shape of the land surface.
  • Countries (z0-11) Use detailed boundary data of the entire world and administrative units & postal areas of the most frequently displayed regions, to present data to your audience on overview maps.
  • Hillshading (z0-12) The hillshade layer contains shaded relief of mountains and adds a 3D feel to your maps.
  • Landcover (z0-9)**The Landcover is an excellent dataset reflecting coverage of the land as polygons.
  • Outdoor (z5-14) A dataset consisting of Essential information about the backcountry around you.
  • Satellite Lowres (z0-6) 2016 Satellite imagery of the whole world, processed to remove the clouds and balance the shades and tones, then carefully stitched together to create a seamless map layer with beautiful colors.
  • Satellite Mediumres 2021 (z0-13)**2020/2021 Satellite imagery of the Zurich Area, processed to remove the clouds and balance the shades and tones, then carefully stitched together to create a seamless map layer with beautiful colors.
  • Terrain RGB (z0-12) The tiles of the Terrain RGB dataset contain elevation data encoded into the RGB color model.
  • MapTiler Satellite (Virtual Tileset) A Satellite Virtual Tileset is a combination of all available Satellite Datasets with extra parameters in order to visualize the best Satellite Imagery we have for a particular region.

Extra Dataset!

We added one extra dataset and because it is quite large, we packed it solo.

  • Satellite Aerial Zurich (High Res) (z11-19) High-Resolution Aerial Imagery of the Zurich Region, processed to remove the clouds and balance the shades and tones.


  • Noto Sans
    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Regular
  • Metropolis Semi
    • Bold
    • Bold Italic
  • Roboto
    • Medium
    • Regular
  • Roboto Condensed
    • Italic
    • Regular

MapTiler Satellite (Virtual Tileset)

This Dataset, by default, is a combination of Satellite Lowres and Satellite Mediumres 2021.

If you want to add another source, High-res) for example, follow the steps below or read even more instructions here.

Head to the MapTiler Data page and download Satellite Aerial Zurich (High Res).
Switch MapTiler Server to the “Tiles” tab and drag and drop the tiles you downloaded.

Find the Virtual Tileset in the tiles tab and tap on the “Edit JSON” button.

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 14.03.50.png

Add another record and fill in the High Res ID.

    "url": "maptiler-aerial-2021-01-01_switzerland_zurich",  
    "bounds": [  
    "minzoom": 10,  
    "maxzoom": 19,  
    "_name": "maptiler-aerial-switzerland-zurich"  

Satellite Hybrid for macOS

At the moment, we do not support rasterization for macOS and therefore, the Satellite Virtual Tileset cannot be served by MapTiler Server. 

Satellite Hybrid Map Style uses a Satellite Virtual Tileset JSON file as a source for satellite imagery by default, so the source needs to be changed into a single satellite tileset. Either Satellite Lowres or Satellite Mediumres 2021.

In order to do so, navigate to the “Tiles” section in the MapTiler Server.
Find maptiler-satellite.virtual.json and tap on the three dots on the right side and click Change-ID.

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 14.46.26.png

The default ID is “maptiler-satellite”. Change it to any other ID.Next, choose either Satellite Lowres or Satellite Mediumres 2021 and change ID to “maptiler-satellite”.With that, we routed the different sources of the imagery into the Satellite Hybrid map style.


Satellite Hybrid with Satellite Mediumres 2021 as imagery source


MapTiler Data Map Styles Package 3.14.1 offers you a lot more datasets to test for free, in comparison to the previous Map Styles Package available.

We also added more fonts, which enable more options for creating your custom map styles in MapTiler Cloud and then using it in the MapTiler Server. Check this article to see how it is done.

Map Styles Package and Free MapTiler Server are limited in their functionalities as well as available data. Check our pricing page for more information on the full product.

Exporting Custom Styles from MapTiler Cloud to MapTiler Server
How to test MapTiler Server using free MapTiler Data
How to run MapTiler Server on Windows
How to run MapTiler Server on macOS
How to run MapTiler Server on Linux
How to run MapTiler Server as a Docker image
How to add and host data in MapTiler Server
How to work with map styles in MapTiler Server