Self-hosted maps guides
MapTiler Data are packages of map data for self-hosting, created and maintaned by our professional cartographers. You can download any package and use it instantly with our hosting application, MapTiler Server, to build your on-prem maps.
Resources on this page help you understand how to get and use MapTiler Data. If you want to learn about the whole self-hosting process, we recommend that you start with the MapTiler Server documentation.
Getting started with MapTiler Data
- Learn how MapTiler Data and MapTiler Server work together
- Download MapTiler map data
- Serve MapTiler map data from MapTiler Server
To build a map, you need 1) a map style that defines the visual style of the map data, and 2) the map data itself. The data typically comes in tilesets, which is a specific type of dataset containing map-ready data.
Map styles
A map style is what we usually have in mind when we say “map”. It describes which map data should be displayed on the map, in which colors, fonts, etc. To see our range of map styles, go to MapTiler maps. For self-hosting, you can get a basic set of these map styles as part of our sample data package.
Map tiles are the main building material for your maps. They contain raw map-ready data and come in tilesets. To see all available tilesets, go to MapTiler Data downloads. Selected tilesets are explained below.
The world changes, and so do maps. To keep your self-hosted maps up-to-date, make sure to apply the data updates that we release for you every week.
Custom extracts
If you need map data for a specific region only, you can get a custom extract from any MapTiler dataset and save your local drive space.