MapTiler Server CLI command line interface
Start MapTiler Server
maptiler-server --workDir=~/maptilerServer
maptiler-server starts maptiler server [default]
maptiler-server init initialize working directory
General Options
(Show version number [boolean])
(Show help [boolean])
Working directory
--workDir <PATH>
(working directory where config.json and tile sets are placed) [string] [required]
[default: “/home/miki/Downloads/MTServer/betabin”])
([string] [required] [default: “3650”])
(set to false for start without administration
[boolean] [required] [default: true])
(administration will be protected with provided password
instead of configured (or generated in case of start
without config file) [string])
License activation
--licenseKey <PATH>
(license key for activation during start, preferred over
environment variable MAPTILER_SERVER_LICENSE [string])
(turns on/off map rasterization [boolean] [default: true])
(set to false for troubleshooting startup issues
[boolean] [default: true])
Running `maptiler-server --help` in the terminal gives the following result: