How to install MapTiler Server as a Docker image


To install MapTiler Server as a Docker image, use the following command:

docker pull maptiler/server
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Get Started

There is one command to run MapTiler Server from the command line, anywhere with your GeoPackage or MBTiles in the current working directory:

docker run -p 3650:3650 -v "$(pwd)":/data/ maptiler/server
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License activation

Your license can be passed with the -e MAPTILER_SERVER_LICENSE=... parameter to the Docker image. The software will be automatically deactivated at the end of execution (for example, sending a SIGTERM signal). You can get your MapTiler Server license token from the Data dashboard.

# Get your MapTiler Server license token from Data dashboard:
docker run -p 3650:3650 -e MAPTILER_SERVER_LICENSE -v "$(pwd)":/data/ maptiler/server
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You can prepare an alias for running MapTiler Server

alias maptiler-server="docker run -p 3650:3650 -e MAPTILER_SERVER_LICENSE=ABCDEF-ABCDEF-ABCEDF-ABCDEF -v $(pwd):/data/ maptiler/server"

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Custom working directory

To start serving tiles and maps from your local dir $WORK_DIR, use:

docker run -p 3650:3650 -v $WORK_DIR:$WORK_DIR maptiler/server --workDir=$WORK_DIR
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Check all supported arguments for the command line:

docker run maptiler/server --help
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License Deactivation

If you put your license in as an environment variable, it will be automatically deactivated during each shutdown of the Docker container. If you fail to shut down your Docker container correctly, your license activation will be “stuck in limbo”. If this happens, don’t hesitate to contact MapTiler Support for help; they will deactivate your license key.

Docker hub
MapTiler Server Tutorials