Team Account
The following text provides all the details about the MapTiler Cloud Team account feature. There are different roles and permissions explained in the article and you will also find out what role is for whom, why you should have the Team account, and how you can get it.
- The team account is available on the Unlimited and Custom plans.
- The basic Team account is limited to 5 team members, the limit can be increased
by MapTiler Support (upon request) if necessary. - Each team member can be of a different role (Owner, Editor, Viewer).
- You can set up and manage your team on the Team account page.
What is a MapTiler Cloud Team account?
The standard MapTiler Cloud account is associated with a single email address. This is perfect for freelancers or small companies where there is only one person taking care of the maps administration.
In larger teams, there are usually more people who manage the maps and each of them needs to access the same MapTiler Cloud account. That is what the Team account is used for.
The Team account is an account associated with a single company or entity and consists of multiple single-user MapTiler Cloud accounts. Team members log into MapTiler Cloud administration with their own credentials but they all can access the same Team account.
How to get the Team account?
You can create your team in the Account section in Maptiler Cloud. Open the “Team” link in the navigation. Create a team by pressing the button. Set up the Team name (you can change it later) and invite your colleagues.
After creating a Team, all maps, tiles, and plan settings are transferred to the Team Account
Team account is available on Unlimited or Custom plans. If you need higher limits or a special use case contact the MapTiler Sales team through the web contact form or via email at MapTiler Sales.
Roles and permissions for accounts in the Team
- Owner: edit access to all sections of the MapTiler Cloud account.
- Editor: edit access to all sections of the account except for the subscription settings and billing.
- Viewer: view-only access to all sections of the MapTiler Cloud account except for the billing.
How do I switch between accounts?
- 1st any team member logs into their MapTiler Account.
- 2ndthey go top right, click their Account name and select the Team Account.
- 3rd by clicking the Team Account name they switch and access the Team Account’s content.
Members management
You can set up and manage your team on the MapTiler Team Account page. All members are listed in the table. The owner of the account can invite new members, change rights or remove them.
Benefits for you
Different people in your company have different responsibilities, and some of them might want to play with the map colors to find the perfect match for your company brand. Others might need to customize the map styles to offer the best-fitting maps in the applications for your customers. And there are, of course, people who take care of the administrative parts, like the invoices or the subscription management itself.
With MapTiler Cloud’s Team account add-on, you can ensure that all relevant people have access to the account without the risky sharing of a single password between each other and do their jobs easily, independently, or collaboratively.
Useful links
MapTiler Cloud product page
Make your own map design
Advanced map customization
MapTiler Cloud Plans
Contact Form
Related guides
- Automatically created API key
- Check if MapLibre GL JS is supported
- Dataset upload - formats and limits
- Difference between 256x256, 512x512, and HiDPI/Retina rasterized tiles
- Exported Tiles Multiplier
- Generalization in maps
- How are the tile requests cached in web browser?
- How MapTiler map tiles are Generated and Delivered
- How to add Geocoding control to Maplibre GL JS map
- How to add maps to Tableau