Local coordinate systems in MapTiler Cloud
MapTiler Cloud can host documents in map projections other than the standard Web Mercator. This is useful for integrating with some sources of data and to conform to region-specific expectations of how maps should look. In this article, we will explain how this functionality is handled in MapTiler Cloud and what the limitations are.
Most online maps use the web Mercator projection and tiling that was popularized by Google Maps. However, there are other coordinate systems and map projections in common use. Many countries have national standards for collecting geographic information that use local coordinate systems. Each system is then usually displayed in a specific map projection.
The use of local coordinates and projections predates the modern era of GPS measurements in the global WGS84 coordinate system and the ubiquity of online maps. Cadastre maps, road maps, and building plans are examples of documents that are usually available only in local coordinates.
People are also used to the way their country or region looks on a map in the local projection. The Mercator projection notoriously distorts regions close to the north and south poles, and even regions further away might look unnatural.
We offer hosting for both raster and vector tilesets in custom coordinate systems.
The MBTiles format of tileset container files is specified to always be in web Mercator. To upload a tileset in any other coordinate system, you have to use the GeoPackage format. MapTiler Engine is capable of producing raster GeoPackage tilesets in any projection. However, note that it can only produce vector GeoPackage tilesets in web Mercator for now.
We store dataset feature geometries in WGS84 and publish them in the GeoJSON format. Due to internal limitations of MapLibre GL SDKs mentioned above in the Maps section, it is not possible to add datasets as sources to maps operating in local coordinate systems.
Local coordinate systems and projections are supported for tilesets. Configuring them for maps is possible but difficult. We do it for the maps we publish, but unfortunately, it’s not possible at this time to do it automatically in the customization and editor tools.
Useful links
What are coordinate systems
Maps, tiles, data
Vector tilesets in MapTiler Engine
Related guides
- Automatically created API key
- Check if MapLibre GL JS is supported
- Dataset upload - formats and limits
- Difference between 256x256, 512x512, and HiDPI/Retina rasterized tiles
- Exported Tiles Multiplier
- Generalization in maps
- How are the tile requests cached in web browser?
- How MapTiler map tiles are Generated and Delivered
- How to add Geocoding control to Maplibre GL JS map
- How to add maps to Tableau