How to add maps to Tableau
This article shows how to add any map from MapTiler Cloud into Tableau:
Get a Tableau TMS file from MapTiler Cloud
First login to your MapTiler Cloud account and go to the maps page.
Click on the map style that you want to add to Tableau, it could be one of our standard maps or one of your own creations.
Scroll down to the bottom of the options for the map style to find the Download TMS button.
The TMS file contains instructions for Tableau to access your MapTiler Account with your API Key.
Keep your TMS files secure and don’t share them as they contain your API Key.They will be saved in the same location as your regular browser downloads.
Import your map into Tableau
To import maps from MapTiler Cloud to Tableau we recommend using one of the Tableau templates with imported maps, for example, the Regional project template.
Tableau has a feature that prevents users from making charts without the correct type of data.
Therefore your data needs to have a geographical element to be able to add a map.
If your data has a zip code or X and Y coordinate columns you can designate these as geographical and then add a map. However, it is easier to use an existing project though as it is not always that easy to get coordinates work!
When you have opened Tableau and chosen your project template, click on the window with the original map and you can import the TMS file here: Map -> Background Maps -> Manage Maps…
Click on the Import… button
Import your TMS file and enjoy the beautiful map from your MapTiler Cloud account!
Want to add maps from MapTiler Server? Read this: On-premise Tableau maps
Useful links
On-premise Tableau maps
How to upload map style to MapTiler Cloud
Related guides
- Automatically created API key
- Check if MapLibre GL JS is supported
- Dataset upload - formats and limits
- Difference between 256x256, 512x512, and HiDPI/Retina rasterized tiles
- Exported Tiles Multiplier
- Generalization in maps
- How are the tile requests cached in web browser?
- How MapTiler map tiles are Generated and Delivered
- How to add Geocoding control to Maplibre GL JS map
- How to add maps to Tableau