Submit a report

Submit a report from the app

In case of any issue with the rendering, it is possible to submit a report to MapTiler Support directly from the MapTiler application.

The form can be found in “Help -> Submit a report”.

Submitting a report on Mac

To successfully solve your issue, we need to have as much information as possible. Therefore, you will be asked to fill in the steps which precede your problem, because it will help us to reproduce the issue on our machine. Please, add a meaningful title to your problem which describes the issue in a few words. Furthermore, add your email so we can contact you and ask for some more details or simply communicate with you the output.


The other tab, “System”, is pre-filled with information about your system. This helps us to understand why the error appears because some issues are specific to hardware or software combinations.


In the “Input” tab, select the files you were using when the problem occurs. Only files which are used for the current project are selectable. Therefore, either send the report from your work-in-progress rendering process or start a new one with the same files and then send a report.


Submit a report from the command line

Generating a bug report in the command line is described in the MapTiler Engine manual.

If you are running MapTiler from a command line and you encounter a problem, you can let the program generate a file with all the information for successful problem-solving. This can be done using the -report argument.

The argument -report generates the text report, which should be sent via the web form (see the section below).

Submit a report from the web

In case you cannot send a report directly from the MapTiler Server, there is a web form. Please select a product (Engine), write a descriptive title, and try to be as detailed as possible because every piece of information helps us to identify the problem and quickly come up with a solution. You can also attach files that cause the issue.


Send the problematic file to support

If important for the simulation of the issue, send us your files by uploading them to MapTiler Upload

Submit a request