How to upload a tileset to Amazon S3 map hosting

This article contains important information about the process of hosting maps in the Amazon S3 service. Availability of the Amazon S3 upload depends on the version of MapTiler Engine. Available features are listed in the pricing table.

Preparing tiles to upload

While selecting the output format, choose GeoPackage or MBTiles as an output. This creates a single file, which can be later hosted in Amazon S3.


Uploading tiles

To upload your output map to Amazon S3, in the upload options page select “Upload to cloud” and click “Continue”.


You’ll need to paste your Amazon Security Credentials, type the name of your bucket, which has to be always unique, select the region in which it was created, and click on the “Continue” button.


When the processing is finished, you can preview the map in MapTiler Engine or access it on your Amazon S3 storage from the internet browser by clicking “Open in cloud” button. After opening your map in the internet browser, you will see it as an overlay of various web viewers. You can also get to the source code and easily embed it into your website or check tutorials, on how to open your maps in Quantum GIS, ArcGIS, or uDig.

Managing of the tile hosting is integrated into MapTiler, so you can use the option Open in cloud to delete individual maps or destroy the whole Amazon S3 bucket. MapTiler Engine enables you to upload multiple maps to the same place and it works way faster than standard S3 uploaders.

How to upload a tileset to MapTiler Cloud
PHP map hosting
Folder vs. MBTiles vs. GeoPackage
Amazon Storage Service