MapTiler Cadastre dataset
MapTiler Cadastral is a dataset containing real estate cadastre information. The dataset’s design contains the most useful information (availability depends on country), such as parcels, buildings, and their numbers, land use, or addresses. The dataset provides the most precise geometry (large-scale, detailed mapping) with additional information for interconnecting with authorities.
Nevertheless, this dataset cannot be used for any legal action. If you need data for a legal case, please contact the competent authority.
- The tile service, WMTS, for static maps is at: Map in MapTiler Cloud
- A schema of the dataset is available here: Cadastre schema
- An overview of the dataset is available here: Cadastre map
- The launch news article is here: Cadastral maps with vector tiles
Area of use
Dataset version 0.2 covers 19 of the 26 Cantons of Switzerland. We are working on adding other countries; if you have any preferences, please let us know (MapTiler Support).
Data updates
Currently, the data are updated monthly. However, please always check the Last modified date in the Tileset details - date of the last data export. Each canton has a different update cycle frequency and not all cantons provide their data as open-data.
Canton | Update cycle |
AG - Aargau | Weekly |
AI - Appenzell Innerrhoden | Daily |
AR - Appenzell Ausserrhoden | No open data |
BE - Berne | Custom |
BL - Basel-Landschaft | Weekly |
BS - Basel-Stadt | Unknown |
FR - Fribourg | Daily |
GE - Geneva | Monthly |
GL - Glarus | Custom |
GR - Grisons | Irregular |
JU - Jura | No open data |
LU - Lucerne | No open data |
NE - Neuchâtel | No open data |
NW - Nidwalden | No open data |
OW - Obwalden | No open data |
SG - St. Gallen | Custom |
SH - Schaffhausen | Daily |
SO - Solothurn | Weekly |
SZ - Schwyz | Weekly |
TG - Thurgau | Constantly |
TI - Ticino | Constantly |
UR - Uri | Weekly |
VD - Vaud | No open data |
VS - Valais | Data from 2021-12-08 |
ZG - Zug | Monthly |
ZH - Zürich | Weekly |
There is the updated
attribute for each feature in layers building
, landuse
, parcel
and survey_point
that describes from which data export the data originate.
Map Style
There is available ready-to-use map style that you can modify, or implement into your map style.
The tileset could be also used and styled as you wish. It could be implemented into e.g. Street style and boost your own map with cadastral data
How to add cadastre into your map
- Open Streets style in Advance Customize
- Add Cadastral as a new source
- Add a new layer e.g. “parcel” as a
from data sourceCadastre
and source layerparcel
- Style your new
layers as usual (line layer) - Add a new layer e.g. “parcel_name” as a
from data sourceCadastre
and source layerparcel_name
- Style your new
layers as usual- the example is used filter
to show just a parcel number - in the text field is set to the value
- the example is used filter
The Cadastral dataset requires only (c) MapTiler attribution with the link. There is a possibility to purchase attribution exemption or get data for self-hosting. If you need it for your use case, please contact us.
Useful links
Maps, Tiles, Data: What are they and how do they differ?
How to create a map with your own style/design in MapTiler Edit Style
Edit Style: Advanced customization of the map
MapTiler Cadastre Schema