Coordinates API
The results provided by the Coordinates API are based on the EPSG database version 11.022.
Search coordinate systems
You must include an API Key with every API request
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
query | string |
Query string used to search the catalog. It accepts plain terms such as names of locations and key:value pairs for filtering.
Following parameter values can be used:
Examples: finland deprecated:* kind:* - Finding all resources of FinlandUnited Kingdom - Basic examplemercator deprecated:1 - Finding deprecated mercator CRSFinland kind:DATUM - Filtering resources using parameter(s)code:4326 - Finding specific resource (WGS84) by code |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
limit | integer |
Maximum number of results returned
>= 1 <= 50 Default: 10 |
offset | integer |
The starting position of returned list of results
>= 0 Default: 0 |
transformations | boolean |
Show detailed transformations for each CRS
Default: false |
exports | boolean |
Show exports in WKT and Proj4 notations
Default: false |
Request example deprecated:* kind:*.json?key=YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY
Get your FREE API key in the MapTiler Cloud.
Code | Content | Description |
200 | application/json | SearchResult |
Transform coordinates
You must include an API Key with every API request
Path Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
coordinates | string |
List of coordinate pairs seperated by ; delimeter (Max 50 pairs).
Example: 17,50;17,50,300 |
Query Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
s_srs | integer |
Source CRS
Default: 4326 |
t_srs | integer |
Target CRS
Default: 4326 |
ops | string |
List of codes of operations seperated by a | (pipe) operator
Example: 1623 |
Request example,50;17,50,300.json?key=YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY
Get your FREE API key in the MapTiler Cloud.
Code | Content | Description |
200 | application/json | TransformResult |
Property | Type | Description |
results | array [ SearchItem ] | |
total | integer |
Property | Type | Description |
accuracy | number | |
area | string | |
bbox | array [number] | Bounding box of the resource in [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat] order.
default_transformation | Default Transformation | Most suitable transformation for this CRS.
deprecated | boolean | |
exports | ExportItem | |
id | Id | |
kind | string | |
name | string | |
transformations |
Any Of [TransformationItem
, integer ] |
unit | string |
Property | Type | Description |
authority | string | |
code | integer |
Property | Type | Description |
proj4 | string | |
wkt | string |
Property | Type | Description |
accuracy | number | |
area | string | |
bbox | array [number] | Bounding box of the resource in [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat] order.
deprecated | boolean | |
exports | ExportItem | |
grids | array [ GridFile ] | List of grids used in this operation.
id | Id | |
name | string | |
reversible | boolean | Whether this operation can be used in reverse or not.
target_crs | Id | |
unit | string | |
usable | boolean | Whether this operation can be used in online API or not.
Property | Type | Description |
path | string |
Property | Type | Description |
results | array [ XYZ ] | |
transformer_selection_strategy | string | Transformations are selected using given ops parameter. If no parameter is given, auto strategy is used. If given, it may try to use a listed transformation, then fallback to towgs84 patching, and finally boundcrs .
Property | Type | Description |
x | number | |
y | number | |
z | number |
Default Transformation
Most suitable transformation for this CRS.
Property | Type | Description |
authority | string | |
code | integer |

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- Geolocation API
- Coordinates API
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