Static maps - API Client JS

MapTiler API Client JS staticMaps functions provides many possibilities for creating static maps images URLs.

Please, use static maps URLs only from client side <img> elements, and do not store or redistribute MapTiler Cloud API data. In case of doubt, consult the terms.

StaticMaps functions:

MapTiler Cloud provides many possibilities for creating static maps as PNG, JPEG or WebP images. They all offer the possibilities to:

  • Choose from one of the MapTiler styles, or your own.
  • Add markers with a custom icon (or default icon with custom color).
  • Add path or polygon, with a line width, color, and/or fill specified by parameters.
Contrary to the geolocation, geocoding, coordinates, and data service wrappers, the static maps function does not perform any query to the MapTiler API, instead they build the image URL. We took this decision because images are most likely going to be displayed in markups and will naturaly be fetched by the web browser.

This type of map is centered on a longitude-latitude coordinate and the zoom level must also be provided (from 0: very zoomed out, to 22: very zoomed in).

const imageLink = maptiler.staticMaps.centered(
  // center position (Boston)
  [-71.06080, 42.362114], 

  // zoom level
  // Options
    // Request a hiDPI/Retina image
    hiDPI: true,

    // Output image size
    width: 1000,
    height: 1000,

    // Map style
    style: 'streets-v2',


center Location of the center of the image. A [lon, lat] array (Coordinates in WGS 84).
zoom Zoom level of the resulting image (can be fractional).
options.apiKey Custom MapTiler Cloud API key to use instead of the one in global config.
("bottomright" | "bottomleft" | "topleft" | "topright" | false)?
Placement of the attribution. Can also be set to false to not show attribution (default: "bottomright").
("png" | "jpg" | "webp")?
Image format (default: "png").
options.height Height of the output image in pixels. Maximum value: 2048 (default: 1024).
options.hiDPI Double the size of the static map image to support hiDPI/Retina monitors (default: false).
("top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "center" | "topleft" | "bottomleft" | "topright" | "bottomright")?
Position of the marker regarding its coordinates (default: "bottom"). Applies only:
  • With a custom icon provided with markerIcon.
  • If one or multiple markers positions are provided.
options.markerIcon URL of the marker image. Applies only if one or multiple markers positions are provided.
options.markers A marker or list of markers to show on the map. A [lon, lat, color] array or an array of [lon, lat, color] arrays (Coordinates in WGS 84).
options.path Draw a path or polygon on top of the map. If the path is too long it will be simplified, yet remaining accurate. Array of [lon, lat] arrays (Coordinates in WGS 84).
options.pathFillColor Color of the fill, also works if the polygon is not closed. The color must be CSS compatible. (default: none (transparent fill)). Examples:
  • long form hex without transparency "#FF0000" (red).
  • short form hex without transparency "#F00" (red).
  • long form hex with transparency "#FF000008" (red, half opacity).
  • short form hex with transparency "#F008" (red, half opacity).
  • CSS color shorthands: "red", "chartreuse", etc.
  • decimal RGB values without transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255)".
  • decimal RGB values with transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255, 0.5)".
options.pathStrokeColor Color of the path line. The color must be CSS compatible. (default: "blue"). Examples:
  • long form hex without transparency "#FF0000" (red).
  • short form hex without transparency "#F00" (red).
  • long form hex with transparency "#FF000008" (red, half opacity).
  • short form hex with transparency "#F008" (red, half opacity).
  • CSS color shorthands: "red", "chartreuse", etc.
  • decimal RGB values without transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255)".
  • decimal RGB values with transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255, 0.5)".
options.pathWidth Width of the path line in pixel. It can be floating point precision (default: 1 if hiDPI is false and 2 if hiDPI is true. Style of the map (not full style URL) (default: MapStyle.STREETS). Examples:
  • MapStyle.OUTDOOR.
  • MapStyle.STREETS.DARK.
  • "winter-v2".
  • "basic-v2".
options.width Width of the output image in pixels. Maximum value: 2048 (default: 1024).
If a path or markers are provided, the framing of the map will not automatically adapt to include those (use the automatic mode for that).


Returns a image URL.,40.766999,16/825x350.png?<YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY_HERE>

More examples

Create a map with a custom image marker:

// in an async function, or as a 'thenable':
const result = await maptilerClient.staticMaps.centered(
    width: 825, 
    height: 350, 
    style: "basic-v2-light", 
    markers: [-73.981137,40.767397,"red"], 
    markerIcon: "", 
    markerAnchor: "center"


Read more about centered static maps on our official API documentation.

This type of map requires a bounding box made from two points: the south-west corner and the north-east corner. The zoom level cannot be provided as it is automatically deduced from the size of the bounding box.

const imageLink = maptiler.staticMaps.bounded(
  // The bounding box on Europe
    -24,  // west bound (min x)
    34.5, // south bound (min y)
    32,   // east bound (max x)
    71,   // north bound (max y)

  // Options
    hiDPI: true,
    width: 2048,
    height: 2048,
    style: 'streets-v2',

    // Extra space that will add around the bounding box, in percentage
    // (0.1 = 10% is actually the dafault)
    padding: 0.1

Since the zoom level cannot be provided, the level of detail is dictated by the size of the output image. Here is an example:

2048 x 2048 1024 x 1024

As you may notice, the bounding box could have different proportions than the output image size. In the following example, we place the same bounding box around Portugal, which has a tall and thin shape. We also add a path to highlight the perimeter of the bounding box. We kept the default padding of 10%. As you can see, the size of the output image has a huge effect on the map display dispite the bounding box being the same.

2048 x 2048 1024 x 2048


boundingBox Image area bounds. Bounding box [w, s, e, n] array (Coordinates in WGS 84).
options.apiKey Custom MapTiler Cloud API key to use instead of the one in global config.
("bottomright" | "bottomleft" | "topleft" | "topright" | false)?
Placement of the attribution. Can also be set to false to not show attribution (default: "bottomright").
("png" | "jpg" | "webp")?
Image format (default: "png").
options.height Height of the output image in pixels. Maximum value: 2048 (default: 1024).
options.hiDPI Double the size of the static map image to support hiDPI/Retina monitors (default: false).
("top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "center" | "topleft" | "bottomleft" | "topright" | "bottomright")?
Position of the marker regarding its coordinates (default: "bottom"). Applies only:
  • With a custom icon provided with markerIcon.
  • If one or multiple markers positions are provided.
options.markerIcon URL of the marker image. Applies only if one or multiple markers positions are provided.
options.markers A marker or list of markers to show on the map. A [lon, lat, color] array or an array of [lon, lat, color] arrays (Coordinates in WGS 84).
options.path Draw a path or polygon on top of the map. If the path is too long it will be simplified, yet remaining accurate. Array of [lon, lat] arrays.
options.pathFillColor Color of the fill, also works if the polygon is not closed. The color must be CSS compatible. (default: none (transparent fill)). Examples:
  • long form hex without transparency "#FF0000" (red).
  • short form hex without transparency "#F00" (red).
  • long form hex with transparency "#FF000008" (red, half opacity).
  • short form hex with transparency "#F008" (red, half opacity).
  • CSS color shorthands: "red", "chartreuse", etc.
  • decimal RGB values without transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255)".
  • decimal RGB values with transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255, 0.5)".
options.pathStrokeColor Color of the path line. The color must be CSS compatible. (default: "blue"). Examples:
  • long form hex without transparency "#FF0000" (red).
  • short form hex without transparency "#F00" (red).
  • long form hex with transparency "#FF000008" (red, half opacity).
  • short form hex with transparency "#F008" (red, half opacity).
  • CSS color shorthands: "red", "chartreuse", etc.
  • decimal RGB values without transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255)".
  • decimal RGB values with transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255, 0.5)".
options.pathWidth Width of the path line in pixel. It can be floating point precision (default: 1 if hiDPI is false and 2 if hiDPI is true. Style of the map (not full style URL) (default: MapStyle.STREETS). Examples:
  • MapStyle.OUTDOOR.
  • MapStyle.STREETS.DARK.
  • "winter-v2".
  • "basic-v2".
options.width Width of the output image in pixels. Maximum value: 2048 (default: 1024).
options.padding Ensures the autofitted bounds or features are comfortably visible in the resulting area. E.g. use 0.1 to add 10% margin (at least) of the size to each side (default: 0.1).


Returns a image URL.,48.545705,18.880005,51.062113/825x350.png?attribution=bottomleft&path=fill%3Anone%7Cstroke%3A%23FFAA01%7Cwidth%3A2%7C12.138249330010638%2C51.081843238455065%7C12.138249330010638%2C48.53909314617505%7C18.85785478699063%2C48.53909314617505%7C18.85785478699063%2C51.081843238455065%7C12.138249330010638%2C51.081843238455065&key=<YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY_HERE>

More examples

Czech republic map in the basic dark style with a bounding box and the attribution in the bottom left corner of the image:

// in an async function, or as a 'thenable':
const result = await maptilerClient.staticMaps.bounded(
    width: 825, 
    height: 350, 
    style: "basic-v2-dark", 
    pathStrokeColor: "#FFAA01", 
    pathWidth: 2, 
    path: [
    attribution: "bottomleft"


Read more about bounded static maps on our official API documentation.

This type of map fit automatically to whatever you need to place inside: paths or markers.

As we have seen with centered and bounding box maps, providing all the parameters is nice but can be cumbersome for the simplest use cases.

In the following example, we are going to load a cycling track recorded by one of our team members in Montreal, Canada. The track, originally a GPX file, was pushed to MapTiler Data and is now made avalable as GeoJSON:

// Fetching the GeoJSON
const bikeTrack = await'the-id-of-a-bike-track-in-montreal');

// Extracting the track points with the shape [[lng, lat], [lng, lat], ...]
const trackPoints = bikeTrack.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0]
  .map(p => p.slice(0, 2));

const imageLink = maptiler.staticMaps.automatic({
  // hiDPI/Retina precision
  hiDPI: true,

  // A farily large output image
  width: 2048,
  height: 1024 ,

  // A grey style on which the track will pop!
  style: 'streets-v2-light',

  // Draw a path with the trackpoints
  path: trackPoints,

  // Adding a marker for the starting point, with a custom color (array of shape [lng, lat, color])
  marker: [trackPoints[0][0], trackPoints[0][1], '#0a0'],

  // Showing the track in red
  pathStrokeColor: 'red',

And voila! You have a map automatically adjusted to the track.

static map with bike path

The GeoJSON for this track contains 9380 coordinates pairs, which is a lot! In order to send the track to MapTiler Cloud static maps API, the client simplifies the long paths while keeing a high degree of precision using a very fast Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm.


options.apiKey Custom MapTiler Cloud API key to use instead of the one in global config.
("bottomright" | "bottomleft" | "topleft" | "topright" | false)?
Placement of the attribution. Can also be set to false to not show attribution (default: "bottomright").
("png" | "jpg" | "webp")?
Image format (default: "png").
options.height Height of the output image in pixels. Maximum value: 2048 (default: 1024).
options.hiDPI Double the size of the static map image to support hiDPI/Retina monitors (default: false).
("top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "center" | "topleft" | "bottomleft" | "topright" | "bottomright")?
Position of the marker regarding its coordinates (default: "bottom"). Applies only:
  • With a custom icon provided with markerIcon.
  • If one or multiple markers positions are provided.
options.markerIcon URL of the marker image. Applies only if one or multiple markers positions are provided.
options.markers A marker or list of markers to show on the map. A [lon, lat, color] array or an array of [lon, lat, color] arrays (Coordinates in WGS 84).
options.path Draw a path or polygon on top of the map. If the path is too long it will be simplified, yet remaining accurate. Array of [lon, lat] arrays (Coordinates in WGS 84).
options.pathFillColor Color of the fill, also works if the polygon is not closed. The color must be CSS compatible. (default: none (transparent fill)). Examples:
  • long form hex without transparency "#FF0000" (red) .
  • short form hex without transparency "#F00" (red).
  • long form hex with transparency "#FF000008" (red, half opacity).
  • short form hex with transparency "#F008" (red, half opacity).
  • CSS color shorthands: "red", "chartreuse", etc.
  • decimal RGB values without transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255)".
  • decimal RGB values with transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255, 0.5)".
options.pathStrokeColor Color of the path line. The color must be CSS compatible. (default: "blue"). Examples:
  • long form hex without transparency "#FF0000" (red).
  • short form hex without transparency "#F00" (red).
  • long form hex with transparency "#FF000008" (red, half opacity).
  • short form hex with transparency "#F008" (red, half opacity).
  • CSS color shorthands: "red", "chartreuse", etc.
  • decimal RGB values without transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255)".
  • decimal RGB values with transparency: "rgb(128, 100, 255, 0.5)".
options.pathWidth Width of the path line in pixel. It can be floating point precision (default: 1 if hiDPI is false and 2 if hiDPI is true. Style of the map (not full style URL) (default: MapStyle.STREETS). Examples:
  • MapStyle.OUTDOOR.
  • MapStyle.STREETS.DARK.
  • "winter-v2".
  • "basic-v2".
options.width Width of the output image in pixels. Maximum value: 2048 (default: 1024).
options.padding Ensures the autofitted bounds or features are comfortably visible in the resulting area. E.g. use 0.1 to add 10% margin (at least) of the size to each side (default: 0.1).



More examples

Map with multiple markers:

// in an async function, or as a 'thenable':
const result = await maptilerClient.staticMaps.automatic({
  width: 825, 
  height: 350, 
  style: "basic-v2", 
  markers: [


Read more about Auto-fitted static maps on our official API documentation.

In all the staticMaps functions, the property can be a string or one of the built-in style shorthand. Here is the full list:

  • MapStyle.STREETS reference style for navigation and city exploration
    • MapStyle.STREETS.DARK (variant)
    • MapStyle.STREETS.LIGHT (variant)
    • MapStyle.STREETS.PASTEL (variant)
    • MapStyle.STREETS.NIGHT (variant)
  • MapStyle.OUTDOOR reference style for adventure
    • MapStyle.OUTDOOR.DARK (variant)
  • MapStyle.WINTER reference style for winter adventure
    • MapStyle.WINTER.DARK (variant)
  • MapStyle.SATELLITE reference style satellite and airborne imagery (no variants)
  • MapStyle.HYBRID reference style satellite and airborne imagery with labels (no variants)
  • MapStyle.BASIC reference style for minimalist design and general purpose
    • MapStyle.BASIC.DARK (variant)
    • MapStyle.BASIC.LIGHT (variant)
  • MapStyle.BRIGHT reference style for high contrast navigation
    • MapStyle.BRIGHT.DARK (variant)
    • MapStyle.BRIGHT.LIGHT (variant)
    • MapStyle.BRIGHT.PASTEL (variant)
  • MapStyle.TOPO reference style for topographic study
    • MapStyle.TOPO.SHINY (variant)
    • MapStyle.TOPO.PASTEL (variant)
    • MapStyle.TOPO.TOPOGRAPHIQUE (variant)
  • MapStyle.VOYAGER reference style for stylish yet minimalist maps
    • MapStyle.VOYAGER.DARK (variant)
    • MapStyle.VOYAGER.LIGHT (variant)
    • MapStyle.VOYAGER.VINTAGE (variant)
  • MapStyle.TONER reference style for very high contrast stylish maps
    • MapStyle.TONER.BACKGROUND (variant)
    • MapStyle.TONER.LITE (variant)
    • MapStyle.TONER.LINES (variant)
  • MapStyle.OPENSTREETMAP (reference style, this one does not have any variants)
  • MapStyle.DATAVIZ the perfect style for data visualization, with very little noise
    • MapStyle.DATAVIZ.DARK (variant)
    • MapStyle.DATAVIZ.LIGHT (variant)
  • MapStyle.BACKDROP neutral greyscale style with hillshading suitable for colorful terrain-aware visualization
    • MapStyle.BACKDROP.DARK (variant)
    • MapStyle.BACKDROP.LIGHT (variant)