Geocoding control how to search places

This tutorial shows how to search for places using the Geocoding control. The Geocoding control component facilitates the use of the MapTiler Geocoding API.

The geocoding control is designed for effortless integration into React and Svelte applications. With just a single line of code, you can incorporate a reliable all-in-one place and address search box into your applications.

  1. Copy the following code, paste it into your favorite text editor, and save it as a .html file.

  2. Install the npm package.

  3. Include the CSS file.

    If you have a bundler that can handle CSS, you can import the CSS or include it with a <link> in the head of the document via the CDN

  4. Include the following code in your JavaScript file (Example: app.js).

  5. Replace YOUR_MAPTILER_API_KEY_HERE with your actual MapTiler API key.

  6. The next is up to you. You can center your map wherever you desire (modifying the starting position) and set an appropriate zoom level (modifying the starting zoom) to match your users’ needs. Additionally, you can change the map’s look (by updating the source URL); choose from a range of visually appealing map styles from our extensive MapTiler standard maps, or create your own to truly differentiate your application.

  7. Include the geocoder component JavaScript and CSS files in the <head> of your HTML file.

  8. Add the geocoder control to the map.

Learn more

Check out the tutorials on How to search places (geocoding) and How to search places by coordinates (reverse geocoding).

Visit the MapTiler Geocoding API reference for all search options. For example specifying the language of the results, etc.

Do you want to see how the geocoder component is made and what options it has? Check the MapTiler Geocoding control repository. You can also use it as inspiration to create your component.

Discover the process of integrating the geocoding control feature into your React (Geocoding React component) or Svelte (Geocoding Svelte component) applications. Additionally, you have the option to use the VanillaJS version to customize it for any of your applications.

Are you currently using a different map library? No worries! Learn how to incorporate the geocoding control functionality with Leaflet (Leaflet Geocoding control), OpenLayers (OpenLayers Geocoding control), or MapLibre GL JS (MapLibre GL JS Geocoding control).

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An extension of MapLibre GL JS