Contour lines with height in feet and additional information for index line and glacier styling.



Elevation in feet.


Specifies the order of a contour line. Convenient for index line marking.

Possible values:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 5
  • 10


For contour lines at zoom level 14 and higher in areas with high-resolution data, the following contour lines with height and nth_line attributes are available:

height (ft)   nth_line
4000   10
4010   1
4020   2
4030   1
4040   2
4050   5
4060   2
4070   1
4080   2
4090   1
4100   10
4110   1
4120   2
4130   1
4140   2
4150   5
4160   2
4170   1
4180   2
4190   1
4200   10


Marks whether a line intersects a glacier.

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